Feineigle.com - Projects

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Curved Leg Oak Shelf

Tags:  Woodworking
A large shelf to organize all my junk.

Media Shelf

Tags:  Woodworking
A new media shelf for Dad.

Firefox Session Saver

Tags:  Computer · Firefox · Python · Software
A simple script to backup and restore your Firefox session without the need for flaky addons.

Power Function Model

Tags:  Math · Matplotlib · Numpy · Python · Scipy
Notes and an example on how to use python to create and plot a power function model in python using numpy, scipy and matplotlib.

Custom Traffic Parser and Plotter

Tags:  Apache · JSON · Python" · Software
This simple pair of programs extracts apache's logs into JSON and creates simple bar graphs via matplotlib.

Image Notes HTML Parser

Tags:  Computer · Flask · Html · Python · Software
A simple program to generate the HTML (jinja) for all the image notes associated with a book.

Resistor Box

Tags:  Electronics
A project done to improve my soldering skills. 122 joints.

Easel 1.0

The top of any desk has to be looked down on... unless you tip the top to face your face!

Ergonomic Desk 1.0

After suffering from a sore neck for years, I decided to design a new chair that would offer particular support. This 'desk' was the eventual result of that attempt.

Garden 2016

Tags:  Garden · Permaculture
'Hedging' my bets, and property line, with soil amending weeds and a bunch of new trees.

World Geo-Graph-y

Tags:  Neo4j · Python · Software
This is an article about how to rip the country land border data from wiki, reformat it, and dump it into a neo4j graph.

Simply Timers

Tags:  Bash · GUI · Python · Software
A pair of simple timers. One written in bash and the other in python.

CONected Development

Tags:  Flask · Neo4j · Python
This is an article about my creating CONected web app.

Garden 2015

Tags:  Garden · Permaculture
The momentum of forestation continues to increase with the addition of over a dozen new terrific trees, loads of marvelous mulch, and a swell swale.

Khan Academy Video Sorter

Tags:  Python · Software
From one messy folder containing almost 5000 hashed video names to a neatly organized hierarchical structure in 25 lines of python.

Garden 2014

Tags:  Garden · Permaculture
This year the yard was improved with the addition of a proper garden as well as an area for raising chickens. The initial map was also created.

Craigslist Scnner

Tags:  Python · Software · Sqlite
One of the first python programs I wrote, in 2014, to actually do something for me. It threadedly scans multiple craigslist cities and categories and writes everything it sees to an SQLite database. It was used to alert when new items are posted that match a given criteria and to search for non-location specific goods ie: a sailboat.

Garden 2013

Tags:  Garden · Permaculture
My first attempt at a small proper garden, a deck turned cornucopia, and a chicken coop from recycled materials.

Garden 2012

Tags:  Garden · Permaculture
This year I built several raised beds, composted like a madman, began restoring a creek bank, and made a small dam that failed.

Garden 2011

Tags:  Garden · Permaculture
The journey of a thousands miles begins with a single step. This is the first year I began redesigning my father's yard into a permaculture inspired eden.

Ai Algorithms Animals Apache Army Artificial-Intelligence Bash Bitcoin Boycott Business Cia Communication Computer Conspiracy-Theory Creativity Css Culture Cybernetics Database Demographics Desk Diabetes Diet Docker Drugs Eclipse Economics Education Electronics Encryption Ergonomic Evolution Family Fiction Firefox Flask Fpga Furniture Games Garden Git Godot Graph Gui Habits Hacking Hardware Health Hiking History Html Immigration Java Json Keto Lgbt Linux Machine Learning Marketing Math Matplotlib Melatonin Military Motivation Music Neo4j Notes Numpy Occult Oligarchy Pedophilia Permaculture Philosophy Physics Politics Posture Programming Propaganda Protest Psychology Psyop Python Python" Rabbits Regex Religion Research Sci-Fi Scipy Sleep Social Software Sqlite Suicide Technology Travel Vhdl Vim Waterfall Woodworking Writing