Feineigle.com - The Grand Chessboard - American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives

Home · Book Reports · 2016 · The Grand Chessboard - American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives

Published: November 19, 2016
Tags:  Oligarchy

The book in...
One sentence:
How the USA should play the world power game in an attempt to maintain global dominance for as long as possible before a truly global government emerges, guided by the USA.

Five sentences:
Keep Europe slightly divided to act as the beachhead into western Eurasia that NATO can push east. Pretend to care about Japan, as an 'international leader', while working on relations with China to create a mainland eastern Eurasian jumping off point. A 'backward' Russia should be integrated into Europe or even broken in 3 separate states to allow for the exploitation of central Eurasian resources in places like the Caspian sea. Pipelines can be utilized to export the oil through several states, preventing any single nation from being able to hold the energy hostage.To accomplish this, much scheming should be done under the guise of economics, 'cooperation', and 'global community'.

designates my notes. / designates important.


A look into the mind of how the power-brokering elite see the world, as a game. People, institution, and even nations are nothing more than pawns in their quest for empire and domination.

Couched the in predestination of the USA being the first and last global super-power that will exist before the emergence of a global governance. This global governance will be directed, as it emerges, by the USA. Anyone that doesn’t accept the dominance and leadership of the USA is simply “backward” or “anarchists”.

When Russia schemes to regain its former geographic footprint the author attacks on the ground that Russia needs to accept the new reality, but then turns around and talks openly about the exploitation of the Caspian Sea’s natural resource treasures. Similarly if China shows any ambition to be anything more than a region leader, it is painted negatively. Meanwhile, the whole book is essentially a guide to world domination.

On the other hand, as long as Russia and China essentially do as their told in terms of “modernizing”, there will be peace and stability. It reminds of of the Old Testament - kill everyone and call it peace.

In short, it seems like a 1990’s version of divide and conquer politics. By keeping the Chinese, Japanese, Russians, or anyone else that may useful negotiating on the USA’s terms, each nation can be kept off balance of their true national interests. Alongside the 1970’s DoD MindWar concept that populations can be easier won with words than conquered with force, this blueprint seems more akin to building a global governance for and of the oligarchy rather than of anything as silly as nations or people.

Chapter 1 - Hegemony of a New Type:

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Chapter 2 - The Eurasian Chessboard:

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Chapter 3. The Democratic Bridgehead

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Chapter 4. The Black Hole

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Chapter 5. The Eurasian Balkans

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Chapter 6. The Far Eastern Anchor

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Chapter 7. Conclusion

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