Feineigle.com - From PSYOP to MindWar - The Psychology of Victory

Home · Book Reports · 2016 · From PSYOP to MindWar - The Psychology of Victory

Published: December 6, 2016
Tags:  Oligarchy · Propaganda · Psyop

The book in...
One sentence:
Even before war, it is critical to persuade any would-be enemies, and domestic sympathizers, of the United States to our views by winning their hearts and minds through words not bombs.

Five sentences:
Once war begins, the enemy will be full of national pride, pumped in by their governments so it is of the utmost importance to use persuasion on the soldiers before they are soldiers. Both the enemy and their domestic sympathizers should be treated in much the same fashion, constructing their world views via an ever encroaching technological connectedness. While it is repeatedly stated that MindWar tactics must use truth, for to tell lies builds your control on a foundation of sand, but that truth can be 'willed into existence'. Again there is an outright denial of using psychedelics and similar mind altering substances to increase suggestibility, but it leaves plenty to the imagination of how to use pre-existing cultures that DO promote drug use - like raves - where everyone is imbibing via their own volition. Further, naturally occurring forces are seen as potential leverage to be utilized directly as phenomena in nature, or induced synthetically as in ELF waves.

designates my notes. / designates important.


This seems to be nothing more than a look at the 1980’s version of the mind control social technology. Very similar conclusions are had 50+ years earlier by Edward Bernays in his work “Propaganda”. The only difference is what is being sold. Bernays focuses on materialistic and consumer goods while MindWar looks to alter the opinions of the audience toward war. Upon further reflection, Bernays served as a war propagandist in WW2. I guess MindWar and Propaganda are 2 sides to the same war machine.

Introduction (2003):

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