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How to Win Friends and Influence People

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First of all, all of the advice here should be used from a place of honesty and truly come from your heart lest your words ring dishonest and cause even more harm than if they were un-tactfully delivered. When dealing with those you want to criticize, get them off their initial defensive posture by leading with praise and showing them you are guilty of the same mistakes that they have made. In many cases you don't need to do or say anything special to remove their guard, simply let the other person do as much talking as they want and they will disarm themselves. If you want something from them or want them to do something for you, first prime the pump by getting them to say 'yes' a number of times to little things that they would clearly agree with and then try to reframe the ask as a question, a suggestion or a challenge. The ultimate take-away is probably to spend less time focusing the conversation on yourself and more time focusing on the other person. Take a real interest in what they want, in how they feel, by simply listen to them.

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