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As A Man Thinketh

Tags:  Motivation
While many people blame their circumstances on environment, James Allen argues that it is more accurate to say your circumstances are shaped by your thoughts, leaving only yourself to blame. My interpretation of this quite empowering because if the fault of your circumstance lies with you, the solution also lies with you. (Since I was a teenager I have said "if you don't like something, change it" in regards to life.) Some of the book is couched in an almost religious good/bad dichotomy and even has a ting of positive thinking or manifesting vibe to it. That said, you can easily ignore the language that might be off putting while still accepting the general premises; right thought (to borrow from the Greeks and the Buddhists) is more likely to lead to right action that is more likely to lead to desirable outcomes. While positive thinking is not enough to achieve your goals, it should bias you toward action that moves you closer to accomplishing your goals, whereas negative thinking will likely bias you toward inaction and languishing.

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