Feineigle.com - Curved Leg Oak Shelf

Home · Projects · 2025 · Curved Leg Oak Shelf

Published: February 15, 2025
Tags:  Woodworking

Solid oak. The legs were cut down and reglued ala laminar to make all the grain go in the same direction. You can barely see it, but the leg segments are sized following the fibonacci sequence.

I used melamine for the shelves themselves. Eventually I’d like to replace them with solid oak, but I didn’t have wide enough boards to do that now.

The supports allowed me to hide the hardware and to have all the weight (and there is a lot of weight on them now) directly on a glued cleat instead of the bolts. The bolts are installed upside down in the picture. The head is supposed to be on the bottom to get the “sharp” end out of the way and give a little more room.

I still need to give it a final sand and spray lacquer it in the spring.