Feineigle.com - The Millionaire Fastlane

Home · Book Reports · 2024 · The Millionaire Fastlane

Published: June 8, 2024
Tags:  Business

The book in...
One sentence:
Contains both inspiration and actionable information that will help to both succeed at building a business and a better (by your definition) life.

Five sentences:
The book starts out with a dissection of the roads people follow through life: the paycheck-to-paycheck sidewalk, the IRA/401K get rich slow land, and the build an asset/business fast lane (that shouldn't be confused with easy, it is not). Next it touches on consumerism and how it will keep you forever poor, chasing that next purchase that you think will bring you happiness (it won't) and how you need to learn both financial literacy (more money won't solve this problem) and how to shift from the consumer mindset to the producer mindset. Once you make that shift, you can start to disconnect the idea that you trade your time from money. Your time is far more valuable than money (you can always get more money, you can never get more time) and that the best way to reach financial freedom is by growing a 'money tree' (a business that can run on autopilot or be sold as an asset). A few final tips include: never stop learning, how to use a decision matrix when you aren't sure what to do, and that instead of trying to make money you should focus on providing value.

designates my notes. / designates important. / designates very important.

Table of Contents

· Introduction

page 011:
page 012:
page 014:

Part 1: Wealth in a Wheelchair … “Get Rich Slow” is Get Rich Old

· Chapter 01 - The Great Deception

page 019:

· Chapter 02 - How I Screwed “Get Rich Slow”

Part 2: Wealth is Not a Road, But a Road Trip

· Chapter 03 - The Road Trip to Wealth

page 036:

· Chapter 04 - The Roadmaps to Wealth

page 040:
page 042:

Part 3: The Road Most Traveled: The Sidewalk

· Chapter 05 - The Sidewalk Roadmap

page 052:

· Chapter 06 - Has Your Wealth Been Toxified?

page 057:

· Chapter 07 - Misuse Money and Money Will Misuse You

page 059:
page 063:

· Chapter 08 - Lucky Bastards Play the Game!

page 065:
page 067:

· Chapter 09 - Wealth Demands Accountability

page 069:

Part 4 - Mediocrity: The Slowlane Roadmap

· Chapter 10 - The Lie You’ve Been Sold: The Slowlane

page 078:

· Chapter 11 - The Criminal Trade: Your Job

· Chapter 12 - The Slowlane: Why You Aren’t Rich

· Chapter 13 - The Futile Fight: Education

page 102:

· Chapter 14 - The Hypocrisy of the Gurus

page 104:
page 108:

· Chapter 15 - Slowlane Victory … A Gamble of Hope

page 112:
page 113:
page 116:

Part 5: Wealth: The Fastlane Roadmap

· Chapter 16 - Wealth’s Shortcut: The Fastlane

page 121:

· Chapter 17 - Switch Teams and Playbooks

page 129:

· Chapter 18 - How the Rich Really Get Rich!

page 140:
page 141:

· Chapter 19 - Divorce Wealth from Time

page 144:
page 145:
page 147:
page 148:
page 149:

· Chapter 20 - Recruit Your Army of Freedom Fighters

page 151:
page 153:

· Chapter 21 - The Real Law of Wealth

10. Part 6: Your Vehicle to Wealth: YOU

· Chapter 22 - Own Yourself First

page 166:

· Chapter 23 - Life’s Steering Wheel

page 170:
page 174:

· Chapter 24 - Wipe Your Windshield Your Clean

page 181:
  1. What is the worst-case consequence of this choice?
  2. What is the probability of this outcome?
  3. Is this an acceptable risk?

10.3.2. 183:

page 184:
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page 187:


· Chapter 25 - Deodorize Flatulent Headwinds

· Chapter 26 - Your Primordial Fuel: Time

page 196:
page 197:
page 199:
page 200:
page 201:

· Chapter 27 - Change That Dirty, Stale Oil

page 202:
page 203:
page 208:

· Chapter 28 - Hit The Redline

11. Part 7: The Roads to Wealth

· Chapter 29 - The Right Road Routes to Wealth

page 221:
  1. The Commandment of Need
  2. The Commandment of Entry
  3. The Commandment of Control
  4. The Commandment of Scale
  5. The Commandment of Time

· Chapter 30 - The Commandment of Need

page 224:
page 230:

· Chapter 31 - The Commandment of Entry

page 236:

· Chapter 32 - The Commandment of Control

page 241:
page 243:

· Chapter 33 - The Commandment of Scale

page 248:
page 249:

· Chapter 34 - The Commandment of Time

page 255:
page 256:

· Chapter 35 - Rapid Wealth: The Interstates

page 262:
page 263:

· Chapter 36 - Find Your Open Road

page 265:

· Chapter 37 - Give Your Road a Destination!

page 274:

12. Part 8: Your Speed: Accelerate Wealth

· Chapter 38 - The Speed of Success

page 283:

· Chapter 39 - Burn The Business Plan, Ignite Execution!

· Chapter 40 - Pedestrians Will Make You Rich!

page 289:
page 296:

· Chapter 41 - Throw Hijackers to the Curb!

page 303:

12.4.2. 304:

· Chapter 42 - Be Someone’s Savior

page 308:

· Chapter 43 - Build Brands, Not Businesses

page 311:
page 312:
page 314:
page 317:
page 318:

· Chapter 44 - Choose Monogamy Over Polygamy

· Chapter 45 - Put It Together: Supercharge Your Wealth Plan

page 326:
  1. Formula
  2. Admit
  3. Stop and Swap
  4. Time
  5. Leverage
  6. Assets and Income
  7. Number
  8. Effection
  9. Steer
  10. Uncouple
  11. Passion and Purpose
  12. Educate
  13. Road
  14. Control
  15. Have
  16. Automate
  17. Replicate
  18. Grow
  19. Exit
  20. Retire, Reward, or Repeat