Feineigle.com - Melatonin - Your Body's Natural Wonder Drug

Home · Book Reports · 2024 · Melatonin - Your Body's Natural Wonder Drug

Published: August 26, 2024
Tags:  Health · Melatonin

The book in...
One sentence:
The title is not hyperbole; melatonin has an enormous supplemental beneficial effect on a great number of your bodily processes.

Five sentences:
A cheap and effective sleep aid that has a ton of other benefits; from anti-oxidant abilities to immune system boosting to lowering blood pressure. It's anti-oxidant abilities are second to none since it is both fat and water soluable as well as readily crosses the blood-brain barrier. There is such a low, almost 0, level of toxicity; mice used to test the LD50 were not able to have any more melatoinin physically injected. It should be studied more, and it has been, but since it can not be patented there is little reason for the pharmaceutical companies to study it. They have tried to create literally thousands of analogs that they can charge and arm and a leg for.

designates my notes. / designates important. / designates very important.

Page numbers from the book, not pdf.


I have been taking 5mg of melatonin nightly, about 1.5 hours before bed, for the last 4 months. It helps me fall asleep only in a minor way, but it helps me sleep a full 8 hours. My sleep schedule fluctuates (with my mood, bi-polar) from 6 hours during a high energy (mania) period, to 10 hours during a low energy (depressed) period. This would wreak havoc on my sleep/wake times. With melatonin I was able to sleep 8 hours when I would only expect 6, and in my depressed period occurring now I am averaging a little over 9 hours per night.

I can’t speak to any of the other benefits, but the leveling out of my sleep is enough benefit for me to continue using it nightly.

The anti-oxidant effects seem like an open and shut case and nothing remotely controversial. I also take beet root powder (juice) that contains Nitric Oxide. This is highly reactive and anti-oxidants in general should improve its function.

If even a fraction of the other benefits are true, it is worth the 1-2 dollars a month that this supplement costs given there are essentially no negative side effects.

Exceptional Quotes

This study and similar ones showed that melatonin has many of the opposite effects of adrenaline. Adrenaline increases the heart rate, tenses the muscles, raises the blood pressure, and compels one to take action. By contrast, melatonin lowers the heart rate, relaxes the muscles, and lulls one to sleep. If adrenaline is the “fight-or-flight” hormone, then melatonin is the “rest-and-recuperate” hormone.

melatonin is not just an antioxidant—it appears to be the most efficient and versatile antioxidant known. It is twice as effective as vitamin E, five times as efficient as glutathione, and five hundred times more effective than the synthetic antioxidant DMSO.

Melatonin is both fat and water solublea rare occurrence in nature—making it the only known antioxidant that can protect all parts of the cell.9 Furthermore, because melatonin can navigate all the barriers in the body with ease, including the blood-brain barrier and the placental barrier (which protects the unborn child), the antioxidant-hormone can protect every cell in the body.

Another reason that melatonin is such a superlative sleep aid is that it does not lose its effectiveness over time. Benzodiazepines can become less effective after only two or three nights of use. By contrast, melatonin may become a more effective sleep aid with chronic use. In an Israeli study, researchers gave 2-milligram doses of melatonin to elderly volunteers for two months. At the end of the treatment period, the volunteers fell asleep even more quickly than they did after one week of treatment. 19

The preliminary data from this study shows that melatonin is just as effective as temazepam in reducing the amount of time it takes the subjects to fall asleep. It also extends sleep the same amount of time. But unlike temazepam, melatonin does not delay REM sleep, and therefore it results in a more normal sleep architecture.29

A paper published by an Israeli group in 1995 showed that giving melatonin on a nightly basis to aging rats prevented the age-related decline in testosterone production. In fact, the melatonin-treated rats had almost three times as much testosterone as those not given the hormone. 20

no pharmaceutical company has shown a great interest in melatonin research because the molecule cannot be patented.

Table of Contents

Part 1 - Your Body’s Natural Wonder Drug

· Chapter 1 - Meet Melatonin, the Life-Giving Molecule

page 3:
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page 7:
page 9:
page 11:

· Chapter 2 - The Three-Billion-Year Old Molecule

page 12:
page 15:
page 16:
page 17:
page 18:
page 19:
page 20:
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· Chapter 3 - The Best Antioxidant

page 24:
page 25:
page 27:
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page 29:
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· Chapter 4 - Boosting the Immune System

page 36:
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page 38:
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· Chapter 5 - New Hope For AIDS Patients

page 47:

· Chapter 6 - Taming the Savage Cell

page 62:
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page 71:
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· Chapter 7 - Protecting Your Heart

page 85:
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· Chapter 8 - Unlocking the Sleep Gate

page 94:
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· Chapter 9 - Back in Sync

page 110:
page 111:
page 112:
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· Chapter 10 - A Master Sex Hormone

page 121:
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page 129:

· Chapter 11 - Melatonin and Your Mind

page 134:
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· Chapter 12 - The Great Anti-Aging Experiment

page 147:
page 151:
page 153:
page 154:

Part 2 - Attaining Healthy Levels of Melatonin

· Chapter 13 - Let There Be Light And Dark

page 160:
page 164:
page 165:
page 166:

· Chapter 14 - The Elusive Enemy- Electromagnetic Fields

page 175:

· Chapter 15 - Drugs That Deplete Melatonin

page 182:
page 186:
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· Chapter 16 - Creating a Melatonin Friendly Lifestyle

page 192:
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· Chapter 17 - Taking Melatonin Supplements

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Part 3 - The Future of Melatonin Research

· Chapter 18 - When God Holds the Patent

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