Feineigle.com - 100 Million Dollar Offers

Home · Book Reports · 2024 · 100 Million Dollar Offers

Published: June 20, 2024
Tags:  Business

The book in...
One sentence:
After a slow and/or rough start, the book takes a turn for the better and provides well explained plans to make better offers.

Five sentences:
All in all it was an easy read and mostly clear with actionable advice. The first few chapters are a little rough around the edges and some of the pricing concepts are not really fleshed out and certainly not explained as well as the rest of the book. After you get past the weak pricing chapter, the other chapters are typically presented with step-by-step reasoning on how and why you would want to structure your offer one way or another. The last section on enhancing the offer you've built (by following along) is the longest and ends with a number of ways to take your offer to the next level by customizing them with scarcity, urgency, bonuses, and guarantees. The last part of the final section on naming was particularly interesting; in particular I found the section on national vs local marketing and the pros and cons of each enlightening.

designates my notes. / designates important. / designates very important.


My initial thoughts as I read the PRICING section are that this is bullshit. I don’t mean he didn’t do it. I don’t mean he can’t do it again. What I do mean is that with 300k impressions he somehow gets 2.5 more response and conversion. I don’t care about how great he is; show me the secret sauce of your ads.

Target a deeper and deeper niche and charge more for “customized” products that are really barely reskinned versions of cheaper products.

After I made it further into the book, I was pleasantly surprised by the much more concrete examples and explanations.

Table of Contents


· Chapter 1 - How We Got Here

· Chapter 2 - Grand Slam Offers

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· Chapter 3 - Pricing: The Commodity Problem

page 042:
page 043:

· Chapter 4 - Pricing: Finding the Right Market – A Starving Crowd

page 049:
page 050:
page 051:
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page 056:

· Chapter 5 - Pricing: Charge What it’s Worth

page 066:


· Chapter 6 - Value Offer: The Value Equation

page 078:

· Chapter 7 - Free Goodwill

This was an ask to review the book and/or pass it along as a recommendation to someone you know. I think this was actually a pretty slick way to market the book.

· Chapter 8 - Value Offer: The Thought Process

· Chapter 9 - Value Offer: Creating Your Grand Slam Offer PART I: PROBLEMS & SOLUTIONS

page 096:
page 097:
page 099:

· Chapter 10 - Value Offer: Creating Your Grand Slam Offer PART II: TRIM & STACK

page 111:


· Chapter 11 - Scarcity, Urgency, Bonuses, Guarantees, and Naming

page 126:

· Chapter 12 - Scarcity

page 134:
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page 138:

· Chapter 13 - Urgency

· Chapter 14 - Bonuses

page 147:
page 148:

· Chapter 15 - Guarantees

page 156:
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· Chapter 16: Naming

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