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Home · Book Reports · 2018 · Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare

Published: May 15, 2018
Tags:  Oligarchy · Psyop

The book in...
One sentence:
How the occult and its revelation is used by secret societies and the intelligence community, that are actually one and the same thing, is used to manipulate society.

Five sentences:
The main theme of this book, which it does a good job of presenting from multiple angles, is that the occult is the intelligence community; the process is the goal and the goal is to create culture. The media uses only a few main channels to inculcate, to initiate, the general public with what could crudely, but not incorrectly, be called brainwashing; movies and music (now video games and social media as well) being the primary examples. The symbolic imagery in media work in a very ritualistic way, showing you, through what can be called The Revelation of the Method, exactly what changes are occurring in society, but, since it is wrapped in an entertaining package, the critical mind ignores it while the subconscious mind absorbs it. The end result seems to be the destruction of the community, by replacing religion with science, and then the family by instilling extreme (faux) individualistic and consumeristic values in malleable children during the formative years in school. One specific, and jarring, example of this Revelation of the Method being employed by media to bring about cultural changes is the trauma of JFK assassination coupled with Vietnam War; these events were the impetus for the increases we saw over the next decade in- counterculture, promiscuity, widespread drug use, and what you might call the New World Order (a term used by almost every President of the USA).

designates my notes. / designates important.


The book bounces around a lot, coving a plethora of topics. These aren’t disjointed though, everything dovetails together. It is quite interesting actually, to see such seemingly disparate topics tied together with a few common threads: Freemasonry, ritual, social engineering.

I think the most important take-away, and there are plenty, is the connection between the alchemical process, the revelation of the message, and the media.

General Aquino is quoted, in defense of his Satanic Temple of Set, that his critics should turn on the television, sit in a movie theater. He blames the current (circa 1989, still present) fascination of the youth by occult and satanic imagery and ideals on the glamorization of such topics by the media. He cites as examples the horror stars of the day, Freddy, Jason, etc.

While I agree with Aquino, it is nothing more than another layer of the revelation of the method onion. He is telling you bluntly that the sex and violence in media is corrupting the youth, and no one bats an eye. The powerful mind control exhibited in the television and media is so deep rooted (again 1989, it is worse now) that most people would much rather endure a crumbling society, be it familial erosion, deteriorating infrastructure, or economic languish, than face the cold hard reality that our most cherished form of entertainment are to blame. Watching the world burn seems preferable to turning off the television, which in itself masks the flames all around us.

The author gives a number of examples of the media delivered damage, one being the Polanski/Manson ritual murders and the follow up decade of serial killers. These murderers (though Charlie never murdered anyone) are elevated to celebrity status, book written and movies produced glorifying their actions. Today, decades later, there is still a sub-culture that worships these maniacs. It might be worth noting here that many of these serial killers have ties to intelligence operations. See David McGowan’s Programmed to Kill for an introduction to the consistent background of these murderers.

The author concludes:

These murders are actually intricately choreographed rituals; performed first on a very intimate and secret scale, among the initiates themselves in order to program them, then on a grand scale, amplified incalculably by the electronic media.

All of this coverage is a kind of initiation into the cult, solely by means of repeated exposure to the “electronic videodrome.” Other examples include:

…plethora of extremely violent and simultaneously symbolic popular films of the modern cinema like The Wicker Man and Videodrome which in a very coarse and crude manner relative to the Renaissance ceremonials, continue this conditioning process (the issue of ceremonial and subliminal films was raised at length in Philip K. Dick’s novel, Valis).

Speaking of videodrome, the film by the same name is essentially a manifesto, more revelation of the method. It shows, in fantastical terms and grotesque imagery how humans can be addicted and shaped by media.

Running parallel with the movies you have the music industry, which, in more recent years has become as, if not more, important than movies. The effect music has on populations is nothing new. Plato and the old Chinese dynasties both knew of musics power to, as is said, sooth the savage beast. Plato specifically censors music in his Republic, while each Chinese dynasty would have the instruments tuned to a new key, an attempt at aligning the music with the dynasty.

The most dramatic example of musical induced change is probably the jazz inspired 1960’s rock-n-roll revolution. It, along with the FM radio which delivered it, is fertile ground for understanding modern psychological warfare. In more recent years you can see the template being rolled out again, this time in the electronic music genre. If one looks, even cursorily, you can see the common themes of sex and drugs are as, or more, prevalent in EDM - Electronic Dance Music.

What is the final result? Mental illness, derangement, and the search for healing. It is nothing more than a Hegelian dialectic; drink, or watch as the case may be, our poison, and when you are so sick you can’t take it, don’t worry, we’ve to a solution to all your problems: psychotherapy, pills, surgery, whatever you need.

Whereas in the past, communities might be able to come together at a church, today religion has been usurped by science, nothing more than a surrogate religion for the 21st century.

Counter-Churches, promoted by the likes of R.K.G Temple and Robert Anton Wilson, have done much to delegitimize actual churches. But, the author points out, science and counter-churches are not the only place blame can be lain:

Phony Christians have done at least as much to damage to Christianity as any Satan cult. Those “TV Evangelists” who wave the Bible while chanting, “Send money, send money, send money,” have sullied the name Christian and made it a byword for hypocrisy. They have caused millions of people to equate Christ with charlatans and to regard the Bible as little more than a book of self-serving alibis for greed and deceit. What could be more Satanic?

It should also be said that the author is not a Luddite. His criticism is of scientism, in his own words, “Scientism is science gone mad.” The worship of science, like the worship of money is the problem, not money or science in and of themselves. Again, the author is very clear:

Science, when practiced as the application of man’s God-given talents for the production of appropriate technology on a human-scale, relief of misery and the reverential exploration and appreciation of the glory of Divine Providence as revealed in nature, is a useful tool for mankind.

What might be difficult, for those that have not delved into intelligence community’s occult side, to take seriously are the constant references to such silliness as the Ordo Templi Orientis, the OTO, and works of initiates, Kenneth Grant and Aleister Crowley. Like R.K.G. Temple, these fringe authors have provided a window into their world, but it is wrapped in obscurity, riddles, and symbols.

First, if you are open to the interpretation, the cryptocracy takes a seemingly magical view of the world as a giant chess board. This symbology can be seen in the floor of Solomon’s Temple and the Masonic lodge. Once you start looking for the checkerboard pattern in relation to Masonic buildings and occult goings-ons, you’ll see it everywhere. Even the striped pillars in front of the Federal Reserve Bank pay homage to this, as well as other symbols.

Brzezinski even has a book titled @@‘The Grand Chessboard’ and Alice in Wonderland, cited a ridiculous amount by these self elected administrators of the world, contains a human scale chessboard.

A perfect example of the occult meaning hidden in plain sight, or revelation of the method, can be seen on the dollar bill.

The motto above the pyramid [on the U.S. dollar] is, “Favor Our Enterprise.” The banner beneath it reads, “New Order of the Ages.” The date at the base is 1776, the year the Illuminati or Beenan Orden (“Order of Bees”) was founded.

The pyramid is only the tip of the iceberg; a symbol that most can recognize as a seal of cryptocratic control. You could say the symbol has gone mainstream. This is why you see it, along with the all seeing eye, used extensively in the entertainment industry.

Following the control of money and the control of media, you essentially have the control of humanity. In one of these two way, or most often both, everyone is trapped. Either mesmerized by Hollywood or running to exhaustion in the rat race. The author, in 1989 mind you, sums up succinctly:

If the cryptocracy manages to obtain consent from the public to use the computer-satellite surveillance network on the public itself (in the name of “reducing automobile traffic jams, controlling illegal aliens, fighting crime, destroying terrorists,” etc.) then our society will indeed become an insect world, an “order of bees.” Note too that the cryptocracy has deliberately allowed the destruction of America’s mass transit railroad system, permitted violent crime to flourish, encouraged a virtual open border alien immigration policy and meddled in the religious wars of distant foreign nations thereby making America a terrorist target, because without these crises the pretext for a police state would be absent.

This prescient prediction seems to be exactly what we’ve seen more and more of over the last three decades.

Continuing with the occult symbolism we see that murders are often performed ritualistically. It should be noted that it doesn’t matter if you or I believe in magick and other ritual séance mumbo-jumbo, what matters is the practitioners believe in it.

We see these kinds of murders, strikingly frequently if you look at celebrity deaths as well as the new terrorist/lone gunman of recent years. The author explains that they serve, beyond any magick purpose, several psychological warfare purposes:

One: the ritual murders are successfully accomplished. The principals get-away, the scapegoat conveniently takes the blame. Two: later we learn the truth but no one is prosecuted. We are mocked, disoriented and demoralized. Occult prestige and potency is heightened.

Sandy Hook, the Las Vegas shooter, dozen of school shootings, the list goes on and on. Even when there is overwhelming evidence, and I make no claims for any particular event, that there is at least some missing gaps in the story, that something doesn’t make sense and citizens are trying to cypher out the puzzle, the news drums into our collective heads that everything is alright, nothing to see here, go back to sleep. One one hand the ignorant is stabilized in the face of the skeptical. On the other hand the skeptical is disheartened that, to them, such obvious inconsistencies are papered over.

This is nothing new. The grand daddy of all ritual sacrifices took place over two generations ago with the televised assassination of John F. Kennedy.

What ought to be unambiguous to any student of mass psychology, is the almost immediate decline of the American people in the wake of this shocking, televised slaughter. There are many indicators of the transformation. Within a year Americans had largely switched from softer-toned, naturally colored cotton clothing to garish-colored artificial polyesters. Popular music became louder, faster and more cacophonous. Drugs appeared for the first time outside the Bohemian sub­ culture ghettos, in the mainstream. Extremes of every kind came into fashion. Revolutions in cognition and behavior were on the horizon, from the Beatles to Charles Manson, from Free Love to LSD.

This ties perfectly into the British Invasion:

Dave Marsh writing in Rolling Stone magazine (Feb. 24, 1977): “The Beatles have always had an intimate connection to the JFK assassination. He was shot the week before Thanksgiving 1963. By February 1964, the Beatles were number one in the national charts and the climactic appearance on Ed Sullivan’s TV show occurred. Even Brian Epstein (the manager of the Beatles) believed the Kennedy assassination helped their rise—the Beatles appeared to bind our wounds with their messages of joy and handholding… And the way was paved, replacing Camelot with Oz.”

The book concludes with a lengthy passage by John Quincey Adams. It outlines how the kidnapping and murder of William Morgan has been stricken from the pages of history. What is most telling, says Adams, is how the newspapers reacted, or didn’t reacted, in Morgan’s case while they raised a hue and cry at the kidnapping English forger Stephenson. It is blatant to see that then, as now, outcries from the media are selective. What criteria do the select on? Is the victim one of Masonic workings? If so, there will be no coverage. It is not hard to extrapolate and come to the conclusion that the Masons, and other occult organizations, often synonymous with the intelligence community control every aspect of the media. (See: Operation Mockingbird.)

Further Reading

Exceptional Excerpts

“we are initiated into their Cult solely by means of our exposure to the electronic videodrome.

”* Science, when practiced as the application of man’s God-given talents for the production of appropriate technology on a human-scale, relief of misery and the reverential exploration and appreciation of the glory of Divine Providence as revealed in nature, is a useful tool for mankind. Scientism is science gone mad, which is what we have today.

"…the active involvement of the Queen of England, the Prime Minister of England, Lord Salisbury, the Commissioner of Police, Sir Charles Warren and the Assistant Commissioner of Police Sir Robert Anderson, among others.

“One: the ritual murders are successfully accomplished. The principals get-away, the scapegoat conveniently takes the blame. Two: later we learn the truth but no one is prosecuted. We are mocked, disoriented and demoralized. Occult prestige and potency is heightened.

“There are 33 segments in the human spinal column

“What ought to be unambiguous to any student of mass psychology, is the almost immediate decline of the American people in the wake of this shocking, televised slaughter. [JFK] There are many indicators of the transformation. Within a year Americans had largely switched from softer-toned, naturally colored cotton clothing to garish-colored artificial polyesters. Popular music became louder, faster and more cacophonous. Drugs appeared for the first time outside the Bohemian sub­ culture ghettos, in the mainstream. Extremes of every kind came into fashion. Revolutions in cognition and behavior were on the horizon, from the Beatles to Charles Manson, from Free Love to LSD.

“But perhaps the most remarkable evidence of the binding force of masonic obligations and of the real power of the fraternity, is afforded in the conduct of those who control the newspapers of the country.

Table of Contents

· Preface

· 01: Nature Or Gnosis?

page 9:
page 11:

· 02: Flattery: The First Principle of Mind Control

page 14:

· 03: Satan is the Ape of God

· 04: Inducing the Double-Mind

page 21:
page 22:
page 23:

· 05: Masonic Double Mind in Vatican Two Catholicism

page 25:

· 06: The Bovine Herd

· 07: Church Fathers Who Didn’t Do Tricks with Mirrors

· 08: Masonic Dogma of ‘Perfecting’ Creation

page 28:

· 09: The “Luhv” Tyranny

page 32:

· 10: Scientism: A Form of Black Magic

page 33:
page 34:
page 35:

· 11: Ceremonial Psychodrama

page 36:

· 12: Mind Control and The Revelation of the Method

page 37:

· 13: Mystical Toponomy

page 38:
page 39:

· 14: Truth or Consequences

page 41:

· 15: Jack the Lodge Brother

page 41:

page 42:
page 47:
page 53:
page 55:
page 65:
page 66:
page 67:
page 73:

· 16: Son of Uncle Sam

page 80:
page 81:

· 17: The Videodrome

· 18: The Angel of Light

page 86:
page 88:

· 19: Episodic Revelation and The “Lone Nut” Syndrome

page 90:

· 21: Trinity Sight

page 93:

· 22: The Alchemy of Ritual Murder

page 94:

page 95:

· 23: Rosemary’s Babies

page 98:

· 24: Lunacy

· 25: Showtime in the Videodrome

· 26: The Golem

· 27: Re-Building the Temple of Herod

· 28: The Everyday Miracle Divine

· Appendix

page 115: