designates my notes. / designates important.
Overall I’d say it is far too simple, but would be a great to whet your appetite if you didn’t know anything.
The pace eventually picks up into an extremely enjoyable read, although still too simple. It is, nevertheless, straight to the point and not proof heavy.
It would certainly make a good introduction if you want to go farther, but does offer enough to let you start using machine learning with more understanding (although not a deep understanding, which might not be necessary).
It includes lots of clear code examples for very basic calculations, but no mention of any actual applications.
It does have a lot of repetition at the beginning and end of each chapter; restating goals. It could probably have been done in 150 pages instead of 200. The links are mostly to wikipedia articles and the links to books on amazon are redundant; the same half dozen books are linked over and over. Still, easy enough to glide past them.
I’d also recommend a good textbook on multivariate statistics, which is the intersection of linear algebra, and numerical statistical methods. Some good introductory textbooks include:
Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis, Richard Johnson and Dean Wichern,
Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis, Wolfgang Karl Hardle and Leopold Simar, 2015.
There are also many good free online books written by academics. See the end of the Linear Algebra page on Wikipedia for an extensive (and impressive) reading list.
Linear Algebra at MIT by Gilbert Strang. htm
The Matrix in Computer Science at Brown by Philip Klein.
Computational Linear Algebra for Coders at University of San Francisco by Rachel Thomas.
The Language and Grammar of Mathematics, Timothy Gowers.
Broadcasting is the name given to the method that NumPy uses to allow array arithmetic between arrays with a different shape or size. Although the technique was developed for NumPy, it has also been adopted more broadly in other numerical computational libraries, such as Theano, TensorFlow, and Octave.
In the context of deep learning, we also use some less conventional notation. We allow the addition of matrix and a vector, yielding another matrix: C = A + b, where C_i,j = A_i,j + b_j . In other words, the vector b is added to each row of the matrix. This shorthand eliminates the need to define a matrix with b copied into each row before doing the addition. This implicit copying of b to many locations is called broadcasting. — Page 34, Deep Learning, 2016.
A.shape = (2 x 3)
b.shape = (3)
A.shape = (2 x 3)
b.shape = (1 x 3)
A.shape = (2 x 3)
b.shape = (1)
A.shape = (2 x 3)
b.shape = (1 x 1)
A.shape = (2 x 3)
b.shape = (1 x 2)
The L1 norm that is calculated as the sum of the absolute values of the vector.
The L2 norm that is calculated as the square root of the sum of the squared vector values.
The max norm that is calculated as the maximum vector values.
The length of a vector is a nonnegative number that describes the extent of the vector in space, and is sometimes referred to as the vector’s magnitude or the norm. — Page 112, No Bullshit Guide To Linear Algebra, 2017.
L1(v) = ||v||_1 (8.1)
||v||_1 = |a_1| + |a_2| + |a_3| (8.2)
In several machine learning applications, it is important to discriminate between elements that are exactly zero and elements that are small but nonzero. In these cases, we turn to a function that grows at the same rate in all locations, but retains mathematical simplicity: the L1 norm. — Pages 39-40, Deep Learning, 2016.
The L1 norm of a vector can be calculated in NumPy using the norm() function with a parameter to specify the norm order,
>>> # vector L1 norm
>>> from numpy import array
>>> from numpy.linalg import norm
>>> # define vector
>>> a = array([1, 2, 3])
>>> print(a)
[1 2 3]
>>> # calculate norm
>>> l1 = norm(a, 1)
>>> print(l1)
>>> # vector L2 norm
>>> from numpy import array
>>> from numpy.linalg import norm
>>> # define vector
>>> a = array([1, 2, 3])
>>> print(a)
[1 2 3]
>>> # calculate norm
>>> l2 = norm(a) #default param for L2
>>> print(l2)
L^inf (v) = ||v||_inf (8.5)
||v||_inf = max a1, a2, a3 (8.6)
>>> # vector max norm
>>> from math import inf
>>> from numpy import array
>>> from numpy.linalg import norm
>>> # define vector
>>> a = array([1, 2, 3])
>>> print(a)
[1 2 3]
>>> # calculate norm
>>> maxnorm = norm(a, inf)
>>> print(maxnorm)
Dot product
For example, matrix A has the dimensions m rows and n columns and matrix B has the dimensions n and k. The n columns in A and n rows in B are equal. The result is a new matrix with m rows and k columns.
C(m, k) = A(m, n) · B(n, k)
A triangular matrix is a type of square matrix that has all values in the upper-right or lower-left of the matrix with the remaining elements filled with zero values.
NumPy provides functions to calculate a triangular matrix from an existing square matrix. The tril() function to calculate the lower triangular matrix from a given matrix and the triu() to calculate the upper triangular matrix from a given matrix
A diagonal matrix is one where values outside of the main diagonal have a zero value, where the main diagonal is taken from the top left of the matrix to the bottom right.
A diagonal matrix does not have to be square. In the case of a rectangular matrix, the diagonal would cover the dimension with the smallest length
An identity matrix is a square matrix that does not change a vector when multiplied. The values of an identity matrix are known. All of the scalar values along the main diagonal (top-left to bottom-right) have the value one, while all other values are zero.
An identity matrix is often represented using the notation I or with the dimensionality I_n , where n is a subscript that indicates the dimensionality of the square identity matrix. In some notations, the identity may be referred to as the unit matrix, or U.
Two vectors are orthogonal when their dot product equals zero.
An Orthogonal matrix is often denoted as uppercase Q.
A matrix is orthogonal if its transpose is equal to its inverse.
Another equivalence for an orthogonal matrix is if the dot product of the matrix and itself equals the identity matrix.
Q · Q^T = I
-Orthogonal matrices are useful tools as they are computationally cheap and stable to calculate their inverse as simply their transpose.
The determinant describes the relative geometry of the vectors that make up the rows of the matrix. More specifically, the determinant of a matrix A tells you the volume of a box with sides given by rows of A. — Page 119, No Bullshit Guide To Linear Algebra, 2017.
The intuition for the determinant is that it describes the way a matrix will scale another matrix when they are multiplied together. For example, a determinant of 1 preserves the space of the other matrix. A determinant of 0 indicates that the matrix cannot be inverted.
The rank of a matrix is the estimate of the number of linearly independent rows or columns in a matrix.
An intuition for rank is to consider it the number of dimensions spanned by all of the vectors within a matrix. For example, a rank of 0 suggest all vectors span a point, a rank of 1 suggests all vectors span a line, a rank of 2 suggests all vectors span a two-dimensional plane.
sparsity = count of zero elements / total elements
Compressed Sparse Row. (CSR) The sparse matrix is represented using three one-dimensional arrays for the non-zero values, the extents of the rows, and the column indexes.
Compressed Sparse Column. The same as the Compressed Sparse Row method except the column indices are compressed and read first before the row indices.
>>> # sparse matrix
>>> from numpy import array
>>> from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
>>> # create dense matrix
>>> A = array([
[1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 1],
[0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0]])
>>> print(A)
[[1 0 0 1 0 0]
[0 0 2 0 0 1]
[0 0 0 2 0 0]]
>>> # convert to sparse matrix (CSR method)
>>> S = csr_matrix(A)
>>> print(S)
>>> (0, 0) 1
>>> (0, 3) 1
>>> (1, 2) 2
>>> (1, 5) 1
>>> (2, 3) 2
>>> # reconstruct dense matrix
>>> B = S.todense()
>>> print(B)
[[1 0 0 1 0 0]
[0 0 2 0 0 1]
[0 0 0 2 0 0]]
sparsity = 1.0 - count_nonzero(A) / A.size
>>> # sparsity calculation
>>> from numpy import array
>>> from numpy import count_nonzero
>>> # create dense matrix
>>> A = array([
>>> [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
>>> [0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 1],
>>> [0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0]])
>>> print(A)
[[1 0 0 1 0 0]
[0 0 2 0 0 1]
[0 0 0 2 0 0]]
>>> # calculate sparsity
>>> sparsity = 1.0 - (count_nonzero(A) / A.size)
>>> print(sparsity)
A = LU (14.2)
Where A is the square matrix that we wish to decompose, L is the lower triangle matrix and U is the upper triangle matrix.
The LU decomposition can be implemented in Python with the lu() function.
>>> # LU decomposition
>>> from numpy import array
>>> from scipy.linalg import lu
>>> # define a square matrix
>>> A = array([
>>> [1, 2, 3],
>>> [4, 5, 6],
>>> [7, 8, 9]])
>>> print(A)
[[1 2 3]
[4 5 6]
[7 8 9]]
>>> # factorize
>>> P, L, U = lu(A)
>>> print(P)
[[ 0. 1. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 1.]
[ 1. 0. 0.]]
>>> print(L)
[[ 1. 0. 0. ]
[ 0.14285714 1. 0. ]
[ 0.57142857 0.5 1. ]]
>>> print(U)
[[ 7.00000000e+00 8.00000000e+00 9.00000000e+00]
[ 0.00000000e+00 8.57142857e-01 1.71428571e+00]
[ 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 -1.58603289e-16]]
>>> # reconstruct
>>> B =
>>> print(B)
[[ 1. 2. 3.]
[ 4. 5. 6.]
[ 7. 8. 9.]]
A = QR (14.5)
Where A is the matrix that we wish to decompose, Q a matrix with the size m × m, and R is an upper triangle matrix with the size m × n.
The QR decomposition can be implemented in NumPy using the qr() function.
>>> # QR decomposition
>>> from numpy import array
>>> from numpy.linalg import qr
>>> # define rectangular matrix
>>> A = array([
>>> [1, 2],
>>> [3, 4],
>>> [5, 6]])
>>> print(A)
[[1 2]
[3 4]
[5 6]]
>>> # factorize
>>> Q, R = qr(A, ✬complete✬)
>>> print(Q)
[[-0.16903085 0.89708523 0.40824829]
[-0.50709255 0.27602622 -0.81649658]
[-0.84515425 -0.34503278 0.40824829]]
>>> print(R)
[[-5.91607978 -7.43735744]
[ 0. 0.82807867]
[ 0. 0. ]]
>>> # reconstruct
>>> B =
>>> print(B)
[[ 1. 2.]
[ 3. 4.]
[ 5. 6.]]
A = L L^T (14.7)
L is the lower triangular matrix and L^T is the transpose of L.
The decompose can also be written as the product of the upper triangular matrix, for example:
A = U^T U (14.8)
When decomposing symmetric matrices, the Cholesky decomposition is nearly twice as efficient as the LU decomposition and should be preferred in these cases.
The Cholesky decomposition can be implemented in NumPy by calling the cholesky() function.
Av = λv
A = QΛQT (15.4)
Where Q is a matrix comprised of the eigenvectors, Λ is the uppercase Greek letter lambda and is the diagonal matrix comprised of the eigenvalues
eigen (pronounced eye-gan) is a German word that means own or innate, as in belonging to the parent matrix.
Almost all vectors change direction, when they are multiplied by A. Certain exceptional vectors x are in the same direction as Ax. Those are the “eigenvectors”. Multiply an eigenvector by A, and the vector Ax is the number λ times the original x. […] The eigenvalue λ tells whether the special vector x is stretched or shrunk or reversed or left unchanged — when it is multiplied by A. — Page 289, Introduction to Linear Algebra, Fifth Edition, 2016.
Eigendecomposition can also be used to calculate the principal components of a matrix in the Principal Component Analysis method or PCA that can be used to reduce the dimensionality of data in machine learning.
Eigenvectors are unit vectors,
They are often referred as right vectors, which simply means a column vector (as opposed to a row vector or a left vector).
>>> # eigendecomposition
>>> from numpy import array
>>> from numpy.linalg import eig
>>> # define matrix
>>> A = array([
>>> [1, 2, 3],
>>> [4, 5, 6],
>>> [7, 8, 9]])
>>> print(A)
[[1 2 3]
[4 5 6]
[7 8 9]]
>>> # factorize
>>> values, vectors = eig(A)
>>> 15.5. Confirm an Eigenvector and Eigenvalue
>>> 119
>>> print(values)
[ 1.61168440e+01 -1.11684397e+00 -9.75918483e-16]
>>> print(vectors)
[[-0.23197069 -0.78583024 0.40824829]
[-0.52532209 -0.08675134 -0.81649658]
[-0.8186735 0.61232756 0.40824829]]
>>> # confirm eigenvector
>>> from numpy import array
>>> from numpy.linalg import eig
>>> # define matrix
>>> A = array([
>>> [1, 2, 3],
>>> [4, 5, 6],
>>> [7, 8, 9]])
>>> # factorize
>>> values, vectors = eig(A)
>>> # confirm first eigenvector
>>> B =[:, 0])
>>> print(B)
[ -3.73863537 -8.46653421 -13.19443305]
>>> C = vectors[:, 0] * values[0]
>>> print(C)
[ -3.73863537 -8.46653421 -13.19443305]
>>> # reconstruct matrix
>>> from numpy import diag
>>> from numpy.linalg import inv
>>> from numpy import array
>>> from numpy.linalg import eig
>>> # define matrix
>>> A = array([
>>> [1, 2, 3],
>>> [4, 5, 6],
>>> [7, 8, 9]])
>>> print(A)
[[1 2 3]
[4 5 6]
[7 8 9]]
>>> # factorize
>>> values, vectors = eig(A)
>>> # create matrix from eigenvectors
>>> Q = vectors
>>> # create inverse of eigenvectors matrix
>>> R = inv(Q)
>>> # create diagonal matrix from eigenvalues
>>> L = diag(values)
>>> # reconstruct the original matrix
>>> B =
>>> print(B)
[[ 1. 2. 3.]
[ 4. 5. 6.]
[ 7. 8. 9.]]
A = U Σ V^T (16.1)
The diagonal values in the Σ matrix are known as the singular values of the original matrix A. The columns of the U matrix are called the left-singular vectors of A, and the columns of V are called the right-singular vectors of A.
The SVD can be calculated by calling the svd() function.
>>> # singular-value decomposition
>>> from numpy import array
>>> from scipy.linalg import svd
>>> # define a matrix
>>> A = array([
>>> [1, 2],
>>> [3, 4],
>>> [5, 6]])
>>> print(A)
[[1 2]
[3 4]
[5 6]]
>>> # factorize
>>> U, s, V = svd(A)
>>> print(U)
[[-0.2298477 0.88346102 0.40824829]
[-0.52474482 0.24078249 -0.81649658]
[-0.81964194 -0.40189603 0.40824829]]
>>> print(s)
[ 9.52551809 0.51430058]
>>> print(V)
[[-0.61962948 -0.78489445]
[-0.78489445 0.61962948]]
U (m × m) · Σ(m × · T (n ×m) V n) (16.2)
U (m × m) · Σ(m × n) · V T (n × n) (16.3)
>>> # reconstruct rectangular matrix from svd
>>> from numpy import array
>>> from numpy import diag
>>> from numpy import zeros
>>> from scipy.linalg import svd
>>> # define matrix
>>> A = array([
>>> [1, 2],
>>> [3, 4],
>>> [5, 6]])
>>> print(A)
[[1 2]
[3 4]
[5 6]]
>>> # factorize
>>> U, s, V = svd(A)
>>> # create m x n Sigma matrix
>>> Sigma = zeros((A.shape[0], A.shape[1]))
>>> # populate Sigma with n x n diagonal matrix
>>> Sigma[:A.shape[1], :A.shape[1]] = diag(s)
>>> # reconstruct matrix
>>> B =
>>> print(B)
[[ 1. 2.]
[ 3. 4.]
[ 5. 6.]]
>>> # reconstruct square matrix from svd
>>> from numpy import array
>>> from numpy import diag
>>> from scipy.linalg import svd
>>> # define matrix
>>> A = array([
>>> [1, 2, 3],
>>> [4, 5, 6],
>>> [7, 8, 9]])
>>> print(A)
[[1 2 3]
[4 5 6]
[7 8 9]]
>>> # factorize
>>> U, s, V = svd(A)
>>> # create n x n Sigma matrix
>>> Sigma = diag(s)
>>> # reconstruct matrix
>>> B =
>>> print(B)
[[ 1. 2. 3.]
[ 4. 5. 6.]
[ 7. 8. 9.]]
The pseudoinverse is the generalization of the matrix inverse for square matrices to rectangular matrices where the number of rows and columns are not equal. It is also called the Moore-Penrose Inverse
The pseudoinverse is denoted as A^+ , where A is the matrix that is being inverted and + is a superscript. The pseudoinverse is calculated using the singular value decomposition of A:
A^+ = V D^+ U^T (16.5)
A = U Σ V^T (16.6)
>>> # pseudoinverse
>>> from numpy import array
>>> from numpy.linalg import pinv
>>> # define matrix
>>> A = array([
>>> [0.1, 0.2],
>>> [0.3, 0.4],
>>> [0.5, 0.6],
>>> [0.7, 0.8]])
>>> print(A)
[[0.1 0.2]
[0.3 0.4]
[0.5 0.6]
[0.7 0.8]]
>>> # calculate pseudoinverse
>>> B = pinv(A)
>>> print(B)
[[ -1.00000000e+01 -5.00000000e+00 9.04289323e-15 5.00000000e+00]
[ 8.50000000e+00 4.50000000e+00 5.00000000e-01 -3.50000000e+00]]
A^+ = V^T D^T U^T
>>># pseudoinverse via svd
>>>from numpy import array
>>>from numpy.linalg import svd
>>>from numpy import zeros
>>>from numpy import diag
>>># define matrix
>>>A = array([
>>>[0.1, 0.2],
>>>[0.3, 0.4],
>>>[0.5, 0.6],
>>>[0.7, 0.8]])
[[0.1 0.2]
[0.3 0.4]
[0.5 0.6]
[0.7 0.8]]
>>> # factorize
>>> U, s, V = svd(A)
>>> # reciprocals of s
>>> d = 1.0 / s
>>> # create m x n D matrix
>>> D = zeros(A.shape)
>>> # populate D with n x n diagonal matrix
>>> D[:A.shape[1], :A.shape[1]] = diag(d)
>>> # calculate pseudoinverse
>>> B =
>>> print(B)
[[ -1.00000000e+01 -5.00000000e+00 9.04831765e-15 5.00000000e+00]
[ 8.50000000e+00 4.50000000e+00 5.00000000e-01 -3.50000000e+00]]
B = U · Σ_k · V_k^T (16.10)
>>> # data reduction with svd
>>> from numpy import array
>>> from numpy import diag
>>> from numpy import zeros
>>> from scipy.linalg import svd
>>> # define matrix
>>> A = array([
>>> [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10],
>>> [11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20],
>>> [21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30]])
>>> print(A)
[[ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]
[11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20]
[21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30]]
>>> # factorize
>>> U, s, V = svd(A)
>>> # create m x n Sigma matrix
>>> Sigma = zeros((A.shape[0], A.shape[1]))
>>> # populate Sigma with n x n diagonal matrix
>>> Sigma[:A.shape[0], :A.shape[0]] = diag(s)
>>> # select
>>> n_elements = 2
>>> Sigma = Sigma[:, :n_elements]
>>> V = V[:n_elements, :]
>>> # reconstruct
>>> B =
>>> print(B)
[[ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.]
[ 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.]
[ 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.]]
>>> # transform
>>> T =
>>> print(T)
[[-18.52157747 6.47697214]
[-49.81310011 1.91182038]
[-81.10462276 -2.65333138]]
>>> T =
>>> print(T)
[[-18.52157747 6.47697214]
[-49.81310011 1.91182038]
[-81.10462276 -2.65333138]]
>>> # svd data reduction in scikit-learn
>>> from numpy import array
>>> from sklearn.decomposition import TruncatedSVD
>>> # define matrix
>>> A = array([
>>> [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10],
>>> [11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20],
>>> [21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30]])
>>> print(A)
[[ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]
[11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20]
[21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30]]
>>> # create transform
>>> svd = TruncatedSVD(n_components=2)
>>> # fit transform
>>> # apply transform
>>> result = svd.transform(A)
>>> print(result)
[[ 18.52157747 6.47697214]
[ 49.81310011 1.91182038]
[ 81.10462276 -2.65333138]]
>>> # matrix means
>>> from numpy import array
>>> from numpy import mean
>>> # define matrix
>>> M = array([
>>> [1,2,3,4,5,6],
>>> [1,2,3,4,5,6]])
>>> print(M)
[[1 2 3 4 5 6]
[1 2 3 4 5 6]]
>>> # column means
>>> col_mean = mean(M, axis=0)
>>> print(col_mean)
[1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.]
>>> # row means
>>> row_mean = mean(M, axis=1)
>>> print(row_mean)
[3.5 3.5]
sample variance is denoted by the lower case sigma with a 2 superscript indicating the units are squared (e.g. σ^2 ), not that you must square the final value.
In NumPy, the variance can be calculated for a vector or a matrix using the var() function. By default, the var() function calculates the population variance. To calculate the sample variance, you must set the ddof argument to the value 1. The example below defines a 6-element vector and calculates the sample variance.
>>> # vector variance
>>> from numpy import array
>>> from numpy import var
>>> # define vector
>>> v = array([1,2,3,4,5,6])
>>> print(v)
[1 2 3 4 5 6]
>>> # calculate variance
>>> result = var(v, ddof=1)
>>> print(result)
>>> # matrix variances
>>> from numpy import array
>>> from numpy import var
>>> # define matrix
>>> M = array([
>>> [1,2,3,4,5,6],
>>> [1,2,3,4,5,6]])
>>> print(M)
[[1 2 3 4 5 6]
[1 2 3 4 5 6]]
>>> # column variances
>>> col_var = var(M, ddof=1, axis=0)
>>> print(col_var)
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
>>> # row variances
>>> row_var = var(M, ddof=1, axis=1)
>>> print(row_var)
[ 3.5 3.5]
s = √σ2
>>> # matrix standard deviation
>>> from numpy import array
>>> from numpy import std
>>> # define matrix
>>> M = array([
>>> [1,2,3,4,5,6],
>>> [1,2,3,4,5,6]])
>>> print(M)
[[1 2 3 4 5 6]
[1 2 3 4 5 6]]
>>> # column standard deviations
>>> col_std = std(M, ddof=1, axis=0)
>>> print(col_std)
[0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
>>> # row standard deviations
>>> row_std = std(M, ddof=1, axis=1)
>>> print(row_std)
[1.87082869 1.87082869]
r = cov(X,Y) / (sX × sY) (17.17)
>>> # vector correlation
>>> from numpy import array
>>> from numpy import corrcoef
>>> # define first vector
>>> x = array([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9])
>>> print(x)
[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]
>>> # define second vector
>>> y = array([9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1])
>>> print(y)
[9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1]
>>> # calculate correlation
>>> corr = corrcoef(x,y)[0,1]
>>> print(corr)
The covariance matrix is a square and symmetric matrix that describes the covariance between two or more random variables. The diagonal of the covariance matrix are the variances of each of the random variables, as such it is often called the variance-covariance matrix.
It is a key element used in the Principal Component Analysis data reduction method, or PCA for short. The covariance matrix can be calculated in NumPy using the cov() function. By default, this function will calculate the sample covariance matrix. The cov() function can be called with a single 2D array where each sub-array contains a feature (e.g. column). If this function is called with your data defined in a normal matrix format (rows then columns), then a transpose of the matrix will need to be provided to the function in order to correctly calculate the covariance of the columns.
>>># covariance matrix
>>>from numpy import array
>>>from numpy import cov
>>># define matrix of observations
>>>X = array([
>>>[1, 5, 8],
>>>[3, 5, 11],
>>>[2, 4, 9],
>>>[3, 6, 10],
>>>[1, 5, 10]])
[[1, 5, 8],
[3, 5, 11],
[2, 4, 9],
[3, 6, 10],
[1, 5, 10]]
>>> # calculate covariance matrix
>>> Sigma = cov(X.T)
>>> print(Sigma)
[[ 1. 0.25 0.75]
[ 0.25 0.5 0.25]
[ 0.75 0.25 1.3 ]]
# principal component analysis
from numpy import array
from numpy import mean
from numpy import cov
from numpy.linalg import eig
# define matrix
A = array([
[1, 2],
[3, 4],
[5, 6]])
[[1, 2],
[3, 4],
[5, 6]]
# column means
M = mean(A.T, axis=1)
# center columns by subtracting column means
C = A - M
# calculate covariance matrix of centered matrix
V = cov(C.T)
# factorize covariance matrix
values, vectors = eig(V)
[[ 0.70710678 -0.70710678]
[ 0.70710678 0.70710678]]
[8. 0.]
# project data
P =
[[-2.82842712 0. ]
[ 0. 0. ]
[ 2.82842712 0. ]]
>>> # principal component analysis with scikit-learn
>>> from numpy import array
>>> from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
>>> # define matrix
>>> A = array([
>>> [1, 2],
>>> [3, 4],
>>> [5, 6]])
>>> print(A)
[[1, 2],
[3, 4],
[5, 6]]
>>> # create the transform
>>> pca = PCA(2)
>>> # fit transform
>>> # access values and vectors
>>> print(pca.components_)
[[ 0.70710678 0.70710678]
[ 0.70710678 -0.70710678]]
>>> print(pca.explained_variance_)
[ 8.00000000e+00 2.25080839e-33]
>>> # transform data
>>> B = pca.transform(A)
>>> print(B)
[[ -2.82842712e+00 2.22044605e-16]
[ 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00]
[ 2.82842712e+00 -2.22044605e-16]]
>>> # linear regression dataset
>>> from numpy import array
>>> from matplotlib import pyplot
>>> # define dataset
>>> data = array([
>>> [0.05, 0.12],
>>> [0.18, 0.22],
>>> [0.31, 0.35],
>>> [0.42, 0.38],
>>> [0.5, 0.49]])
>>> print(data)
[[0.05, 0.12],
[0.18, 0.22],
[0.31, 0.35],
[0.42, 0.38],
[0.5, 0.49]]
>>> # split into inputs and outputs
>>> X, y = data[:,0], data[:,1]
>>> X = X.reshape((len(X), 1))
>>> # scatter plot
>>> pyplot.scatter(X, y)
[[0.05 0.12]
[0.18 0.22]
[0.31 0.35]
[0.42 0.38]
[0.5 0.49]]
>>> # direct solution to linear least squares
>>> from numpy import array
>>> from numpy.linalg import inv
>>> from matplotlib import pyplot
>>> # define dataset
>>> data = array([
>>> [0.05, 0.12],
>>> [0.18, 0.22],
>>> [0.31, 0.35],
>>> [0.42, 0.38],
>>> [0.5, 0.49]])
>>> # split into inputs and outputs
>>> X, y = data[:,0], data[:,1]
>>> X = X.reshape((len(X), 1))
>>> # linear least squares
>>> b = inv(
>>> print(b)
>>> # predict using coefficients
>>> yhat =
>>> # plot data and predictions
>>> pyplot.scatter(X, y)
>>> pyplot.plot(X, yhat, color=✬red✬)
A problem with this approach is the matrix inverse that is both computationally expensive and numerically unstable. An alternative approach is to use a matrix decomposition to avoid this operation. We will look at two examples in the following sections.
The QR decomposition is an approach of breaking a matrix down into its constituent elements.
A = Q · R (19.13)
b = R^−1 · Q^T · y (19.14)
>>> # QR decomposition solution to linear least squares
>>> from numpy import array
>>> from numpy.linalg import inv
>>> from numpy.linalg import qr
>>> from matplotlib import pyplot
>>> # define dataset
>>> data = array([
>>> [0.05, 0.12],
>>> [0.18, 0.22],
>>> [0.31, 0.35],
>>> [0.42, 0.38],
>>> [0.5, 0.49]])
>>> # split into inputs and outputs
>>> X, y = data[:,0], data[:,1]
>>> X = X.reshape((len(X), 1))
>>> # factorize
>>> Q, R = qr(X)
>>> b = inv(R).dot(Q.T).dot(y)
>>> print(b)
>>> # predict using coefficients
>>> yhat =
>>> # plot data and predictions
>>> pyplot.scatter(X, y)
>>> pyplot.plot(X, yhat, color=✬red✬)
X = U Σ V^T (19.15)
b = X^+ y (19.16)
Where the pseudoinverse X + is calculated as following:
X^+ = U D^+ V^T (19.17)
>>> # SVD solution via pseudoinverse to linear least squares
>>> from numpy import array
>>> from numpy.linalg import pinv
>>> from matplotlib import pyplot
>>> # define dataset
>>> data = array([
>>> [0.05, 0.12],
>>> [0.18, 0.22],
>>> [0.31, 0.35],
>>> [0.42, 0.38],
>>> [0.5, 0.49]])
>>> # split into inputs and outputs
>>> X, y = data[:,0], data[:,1]
>>> X = X.reshape((len(X), 1))
>>> # calculate coefficients
>>> b = pinv(X).dot(y)
>>> print(b)
[ 1.00233226]
>>> # predict using coefficients
>>> yhat =
>>> # plot data and predictions
>>> pyplot.scatter(X, y)
>>> pyplot.plot(X, yhat, color=✬red✬)
>>> # least squares via convenience function
>>> from numpy import array
>>> from numpy.linalg import lstsq
>>> from matplotlib import pyplot
>>> # define dataset
>>> data = array([
>>> [0.05, 0.12],
>>> [0.18, 0.22],
>>> [0.31, 0.35],
>>> [0.42, 0.38],
>>> [0.5, 0.49]])
>>> # split into inputs and outputs
>>> X, y = data[:,0], data[:,1]
>>> X = X.reshape((len(X), 1))
>>> # calculate coefficients
>>> b, residuals, rank, s = lstsq(X, y)
>>> print(b)
>>> # predict using coefficients
>>> yhat =
>>> # plot data and predictions
>>> pyplot.scatter(X, y)
>>> pyplot.plot(X, yhat, color=✬red✬)