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Home · Book Reports · 2018 · Cryptography and Network Security Principles and Practice

Published: March 2, 2018
Tags:  Encryption · Math · Programming

The book in...
One sentence:
A detailed entry point into the world of cryptography and network security that includes such topics as mathematics, cypher algorithms, hashing, public/private key pairs and other associated content.

Five sentences:
After a brief introduction to historical cryptography, a quick and dirty crash course of the mathematics required to understand most of the book is presented. Various cypher types, or modes, are discussed, including block, stream, chain, feedback, and counter in addition to symmetric/asymmetric cyphers, public/private key encryption and exchange, particular attention is paid to the Diffie-Hellman method of exchange. Some of the cryptographic algorithms covered include DES, AES, and RSA; these are presented alongside various hashing algorithms and it is explained how the use of certain combinations of these tools can provide, integrity, confidentiality, authentication, or any combination of these to data. The cryptographic section concludes with a pair of chapters on trust/key management, and user authentication to close a decidedly well rounded and complete examination of the aforementioned topics. The network security portion of the book covers everything from transport layer security like HTTPS and SSH, wireless security, email security, and includes a final chapter on IP security.

designates my notes. / designates important.


The first half of the book, the cryptography was interesting and why I read the book. The latter half, network protocols and such was old-hat for me. That said, I would strongly recommend this book to anyone interested in either cryptography or network security.

Ample, but not detailed, mathematical foundations are provided, allowing anyone without the prerequisite math skills to understand the entire book, provided you are willing to roll up your mental sleeves. The elliptical parts are quite difficult, but the rest is infinitely approachable by a novice.

It also covers the various forms ciphers can take, block, stream, etc. Random and pseudo random number generators are discussed. Public and private key systems are elaborated.

There are TONS of illustrations to help you visualize the algorithms and communication routines. There are also many examples, starting from the most basic shift ciphers all the way to DES, AES, and RSA. Hashing is also covered in great detail with the aforementioned illustrations and examples.

Enough detail is given that you can easily implement the algorithms in a programming language of your choosing. I built a number of python based toy examples for things like the euclidean algorithm, the Miller-Rabin prime test, and an RSA implementation among other things. I would strongly suggest anyone interested in learning cryptography to implement as many of the algorithms as you can, from scratch. The amount you learn doing this far exceeds what you would get simply trying to absorb the book.

It really is a well rounded book.


Here are links to the python programs I wrote, but be warned these are not debugged and more of proof of concepts to facilitate understanding. Do not use them for anything more than learning.


Table of Contents

· 01: Computer and Network Security Concepts

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· 02: Introduction to Number Theory

page 48:
if a|1, then a = +-1
if a|b and b|a, then a = +-b
any b != 0 divides 0
if a|b and b|c, then a|c

If b|g and b|h, then b|(mg + nh) for arbitrary integers m and n.
To see this last point, note that
  If b|g, then g is of the form g = b * g1 for some integer g1.
  If b|h, then h is of the form h = b * h1 for some integer h1 .
  mg + nh = mbg1 + nbh1 = b * (mg1 + nh1)
and therefore b divides mg + nh.
np.remainder(-11, 7)
page 49:
page 50:
import numpy as np

def gcd(a, b):
  #q = np.floor(a/b)
  r = np.remainder(a, b)
  #print q, r
  if r > 0:
    return gcd(b, r)
    return b

def gcd_2(a, b):
  if b == 0:
    return a
    return gcd(b, np.remainder(a, b))

if __name__ == "__main__":
  print gcd(1160718174, 316258250)   #1078
  print gcd_2(1160718174, 316258250) #1078
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>>> np.mod == np.remainder
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Define the set Z_n as the set of nonnegative integers less than n: Z n = {0, 1, …, (n - 1)}

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page 58:
def mgcd(a, b):
  if b == 0:
    return a
    return mgcd(b, np.mod(a, b))

if __name__ == "__main__":
  print mgcd(1160718174, 316258250) #1078
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· 03: Classical Encryption Techniques

page 87:
page 088:
page 89:
page 91:
page 095:
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· 04: Block Ciphers and the Data Encryption Standard

page 120:
page 124:
page 125:
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page 128:
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page 132:

· 05: Finite Fields

page 143:
(A1) Closure: If a and b belong to G, then a # b is also in G.

(A2) Associative: a # (b # c) = (a # b) # c for all a, b, c in G.

(A3) Identity element: There is an element e in G such that a # e = e # a = a
for all a in G.

(A4) Inverse element: For each a in G, there is an element a′ in G such that a
# a′ = a′ # a = e.
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1 + 1 = 1 - 1 = 0
1 + 0 = 1 - 0 = 1
0 + 1 = 0 - 1 = 1
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· 06: Advanced Encryption Standard

page 178:
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· 07: Block Cipher Operation

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· 08: Random Bit Generation and Stream Ciphers

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m     the modulus                   m > 0
a     the multiplier                0 < a < m
c     the increment                 0 <= c < m
X_0   the starting value, or seed   0 <= X_0 < m

X_n + 1 = (aX_n) mod (2^31 - 1)
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· 09: Principles of Public-Key Cryptosystems

page 286:
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page 291:
Z = E(PU_b, E(PR_a,X))
X = D(PU_a, D(PR_b,Z))
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p, q, two prime numbers                  (private, chosen)
n = pq                                   (public, calculated)
e, with gcd(f(n), e) = 1; 1 6 e 6 f(n)   (public, chosen)
d K e -1 (mod f(n))                      (private, calculated)
page 296:
1. Select two prime numbers, p = 17 and q = 11.
2. Calculate n = pq = 17 * 11 = 187.
3. Calculate f(n) = (p - 1)(q - 1) = 16 * 10 = 160.
4. Select e such that e is relatively prime to f(n) = 160 and less than f(n); 
we choose e = 7.
5. Determine d such that de K 1 (mod 160) and d 6 160. The correct value is
d = 23, because 23 * 7 = 161 = (1 * 160) + 1; d can be calculated using
the extended Euclid’s algorithm (Chapter 2).
88^7 mod 187 = [(88^4 mod 187) * (88^2 mod 187) * (88^1 mod 187)] mod 187
88^1 mod 187 = 88
88^2 mod 187 = 7744 mod 187 = 77
88^4 mod 187 = 59,969,536 mod 187 = 132
88^7 mod 187 = (88 * 77 * 132) mod 187 = 894,432 mod 187 = 11
11^23 mod 187 = [(11^1 mod 187) * (11^2 mod 187) * (11^4 mod 187) 
                * (11^8 mod 187) * (11^8 mod 187)] mod 187
11^1 mod 187 = 11
11^2 mod 187 = 121
11^4 mod 187 = 14,641 mod 187 = 55
11^8 mod 187 = 214,358,881 mod 187 = 33
11^23 mod 187 = (11 * 121 * 55 * 33 * 33) mod 187 = 79,720,245 mod 187 = 88
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· 10: Other Public-Key Cryptosystems

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y^2 + axy + by = x^3 + cx^2 + dx + e
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  1. minimum key lengths for future system of 3072 bits and 256 bits for RSA and ECC, respectively.

· 11: Cryptographic Hash Functions

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· 12: Message Authentication Codes

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· 13: Digital Signatures

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1. Mary may forge a different message and claim that it came from John. Mary
would simply have to create a message and append an authentication code using
the key that John and Mary share.
2. John can deny sending the message. Because it is possible for Mary to forge
a message, there is no way to prove that John did in fact send the message.
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· 14: Key Management and Distribution

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1. A generates a public/private key pair {PUa, PR a} and transmits a message to
B consisting of PUa and an identifier of A, ID A.
2. B generates a secret key, K s, and transmits it to A, which is encrypted
with A’s public key.
3. A computes D(PR a, E(PUa, K s)) to recover the secret key. Because only A
can decrypt the message, only A and B will know the identity of K s.
4. A discards PUa and PR a and B discards PUa.  A and B can now securely
communicate using conventional encryption and the session key Ks. At the
completion of the exchange, both A and B discard K s.  Despite its simplicity,
this is an attractive protocol.
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· 15: User Authentication

page 481:
1. A -> B:     ID_A || N_a
2. B -> KDC:   ID_B || N_b || E(K_b, [ID_A || N_a || T_b])
3. KDC -> A:   E(K_a, [ID_B || N_a || K_s || T_b]) || E(K_b, [ID_A || K_s || T_b]) || N_b
4. A -> B:     E(K_b, [ID_A || K_s || T_b]) || E(K_s, N_b)

|| = concatenate
KDC = Key Distribution Center
N = Nonce
K = Key
T = Timestamp
ID = Identifier
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· 16: Network Access Control and Cloud Security

page 532:

· 17: Transport-Level Security

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· 18: Wireless Network Security

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· 19: Electronic Mail Security

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· 20: IP Security

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