designates my notes. / designates important.
Not for beginners, but if you have a programming language (not python per se as python is pretty close to pseudo) under your belt and aren’t afraid of equations containing funny Greek squiggles, this can provide a lot of insight into problem solving in general.
Graphs are certainly not anything close to new, but with the advent of social media they have come into the “mainstream”. Even so, the graphs discussed here don’t have much in common with the typical social network. They are used here to solve problems that are (sometimes) not intuitively seen as graph problems.
It includes a LOT of code snippets that are well commented as well as list (in the appendixes) of common algorithms and problems. It seems like it might be a worthy reference if you are looking for an algorithmic solution, but aren’t sure which one you need. Heck, you might not even be sure what you problem is and how it might be able to be tweaked so as to take advantage of a time-tested solution.
The expression O(g), for some function g(n), represents a set of functions, and a function f (n) is in this set if it satisfies the following condition: there exists a natural number n0 and a positive constant c such that f (n) ≤ cg(n) for all n ≥ n0.
In other words, if we’re allowed to tweak the constant c (for example, by running the algorithms on machines of different speeds), the function g will eventually (that is, at n0) grow bigger than f. See Figure 2-1 for an example.
omega, the opposite of big oh: f(n) ≥ cg(n)
Note Our first two asymptotic operators, O and Ω, are each others’ inverses: if f is O(g ), then g is Ω(f ).
The sets formed by Θ are simply intersections of the other two, that is, Θ(g) = O(g) ∩ Ω(g).
In a sum, only the dominating summand matters. For example, Θ(n2 + n3 + 42) = Θ(n3).
In a product, constant factors don’t matter. For example, Θ(4.2n lg n) = Θ(n lg n).
Tip 2: For timing things, use timeit. (module)
If you want to time a function (which could, for example, be a test function wrapping parts of your code), it may be even easier to use timeit from the shell command line, using the -m switch: $ python -m timeit -s"import mymodule as m" “m.myfunction()”
import cProfile'main()')
In many cases, if you can formulate what you’re working on as a graph problem, you’re (at least) halfway to a solution. And if your problem instances are in some form expressible as trees, you stand a good chance of having a really efficient solution.
Trees are just a special kind of graphs, so most algorithms and representations for graphs will work for them as well.
a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h = range(8)
N = [
{b, c, d, e, f}, # a
{c, e}, # b
{d}, # c
{e}, # d
{f}, # e
{c, g, h}, # f
{f, h}, # g
{f, g} # h
>>> b in N[a] # Neighborhood membership
>>> len(N[f]) # Degree
Yet another minor tweak on this idea is to use dicts instead of sets or lists. The neighbors would then be keys in this dict, and you’d be free to associate each neighbor (or out-edge) with some extra value, such as an edge weight. How this might look is shown in Listing 2-3 (with arbitrary edge weights added).
Listing 2-3. Adjacency dicts with Edge Weights:
a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h = range(8)
N = [
{b:2, c:1, d:3, e:9, f:4}, # a
{c:4, e:3}, # b
{d:8}, # c
{e:7}, # d
{f:5}, # e
{c:2, g:2, h:2}, # f
{f:1, h:6}, # g
{f:9, g:8} # h
>>> b in N[a] # Neighborhood membership
>>> len(N[f]) # Degree
>>> N[a][b]
# Edge weight for (a, b)
N = {
'a': set('bcdef'),
'b': set('ce'),
'c': set('d'),
'd': set('e'),
'e': set('f'),
'f': set('cgh'),
'g': set('fh'),
'h': set('fg')
class Bunch(dict):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
super(Bunch, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
self.__dict__ = self
>>> x = Bunch(name="Jayne Cobb", position="Public Relations")
'Jayne Cobb'
Second, by subclassing dict, you get lots of functionality for free, such as iterating over the keys/attributes
or easily checking whether an attribute is present. Here’s an example:
>>> T = Bunch
>>> t = T(left=T(left="a", right="b"), right=T(left="c"))
>>> t.left
{'right': 'b', 'left': 'a'}
>>> t.left.right
>>> t['left']['right']
>>> "left" in t.right
>>> "right" in t.right
if your program is fast enough, there’s no need to optimize it.
If you are doing multiple lookups in a list, it may be faster to cast it as a set.
(without the optimizations) you need to create a new string for every += operation,
>>> s = ""
>>> for chunk in input():
... s += chunk
>>> chunks = []
>>> for chunk in input():
... chunks.append(chunk)
>>> s = ''.join(chunks)
>>> s = ''.join(input())
>>> result = sum(lists, [])
>>> res = []
>>> for lst in lists:
... res.extend(lst)
>>> sum(0.1 for i in range(10)) == 1.0
never compare floats for equality.
check whether they are approximately equal. For example, you could take the approach of assertAlmostEqual from the unittest module:
>>> def almost_equal(x, y, places=7):
... return round(abs(x-y), places) == 0
>>> almost_equal(sum(0.1 for i in range(10)), 1.0)
>>> from decimal import *
>>> sum(Decimal("0.1") for i in range(10)) == Decimal("1.0")
In a single elimination/knockout tournament:
In the first round, all the knights are paired, so we have n/2 matches. Only half of them go on to the second round, so there we have n/4 matches. We keep on halving until the last match, giving us the sum n/2 + n/4 + n/8 + … + 1, or, equivalently, 1 + 2 + 4 + … + n/2.
The upper limit, h –1, is the number of rounds (or h the height of the binary tree, so 2^h = n).
>>> from random import randrange
>>> n = 10**90
>>> p = randrange(10**90)
>>> p < n/2 #cut the search in half
>>> from math import log
>>> log(n, 2) # base-two logarithm
298.97352853986263 #how many guesses to always win
Reduction means transforming one problem to another. We normally reduce an unknown problem to one we know how to solve. The reduction may involve transforming both the input (so it works with the new problem) and the output (so it’s valid for the original problem).
Induction (or, mathematical induction) is used to show that a statement is true for a large class of objects (often the natural numbers). We do this by first showing it to be true for a base case (such as the number 1) and then showing that it “carries over” from one object to the next (if it’s true for n –1, then it’s true for n).
Recursion is what happens when a function calls itself. Here we need to make sure the function works correctly for a (nonrecursive) base case and that it combines results from the recursive calls into a valid solution.
'''Listing 4-1. Recursive Insertion Sort'''
def ins_sort_rec(seq, i):
if i==0: return #Base case -- do nothing
ins_sort_rec(seq, i-1) #Sort 0..i-1
j = i #Start "walking" down
while j > 0 and seq[j-1] > seq[j]: #Look for OK spot
seq[j-1], seq[j] = seq[j], seq[j-1] #Keep moving seq[j] down
j -= 1 #Decrement j
'''Listing 4-2. Insertion Sort'''
def ins_sort(seq):
for i in range(1,len(seq)): #0..i-1 sorted so far
j = i #Start "walking" down
while j > 0 and seq[j-1] > seq[j]: #Look for OK spot
seq[j-1], seq[j] = seq[j], seq[j-1] #Keep moving seq[j] down
j -= 1 #Decrement j
Listing 4-3. Recursive Selection Sort
Listing 4-4. Selection Sort
The recursive implementation explicitly represents the inductive hypothesis (as a recursive call), while the iterative version explicitly represents repeatedly performing the inductive step.
These are two major variations of reductions: reducing to a different problem and reducing to a shrunken version of the same. If you think of the subproblems as vertices and the reductions as edges, you get the subproblem graph discussed in Chapter 2, a concept I’ll revisit several times. (It’s especially important in Chapter 8.)
>>> M = [2, 2, 0, 5, 3, 5, 7, 4]
'''Listing 4-5. A Naïve Implementation of the Recursive Algorithm Idea
for Finding a Maximum Permutation'''
def naive_max_perm(M, A=None):
if A is None: # The elt. set not supplied?
A = set(range(len(M))) # A = {0, 1, ... , n-1}
if len(A) == 1: return A # Base case -- single-elt. A
B = set(M[i] for i in A) # The "pointed to" elements
C = A - B # "Not pointed to" elements
if C: # Any useless elements?
A.remove(C.pop()) # Remove one of them
return naive_max_perm(M, A) # Solve remaining problem
return A # All useful -- return all
>>> naive_max_perm(M)
{0, 2, 5} # So, a, c, and f can take part in the permutation.
from collections import defaultdict
def counting_sort(A, key=lambda x: x):
B, C = [], defaultdict(list) # Output and "counts"
for x in A:
C[key(x)].append(x) # "Count" key(x)
for k in range(min(C), max(C)+1): # For every key in the range
B.extend(C[k]) # Add values in sorted order
return B
By default, I’m just sorting objects based on their values. By supplying a key function, you can sort by anything you’d like.
key() in C[].append() is interesting.
the tasks to be undertaken will have dependencies that partially restrict their ordering.
Such dependencies are (as mentioned in Chapter 2) easily represented as a directed acyclic graph (DAG), and finding an ordering that respect the dependencies (so that all the edges point forward in the ordering) is called topological sorting. Figure 4-5 illustrates the concept.
for v in range(n):
C[v] = float('inf')
for i in range(N):
u, v = randrange(n), randrange(n)
C[v] = min(C[v], A[u] + B[u][v]) # Relax
If you can (easily) reduce A to B, then B is at least as hard as A.
If you want to show that X is hard and you know that Y is hard, reduce Y to X.
def walk(G, s, S=set()): # Walk the graph from node s
P, Q = dict(), set() # Predecessors + "to do" queue
P[s] = None # s has no predecessor
Q.add(s) # We plan on starting with s
while Q: # Still nodes to visit
u = Q.pop() # Pick one, arbitrarily
for v in G[u].difference(P, S): # New nodes?
Q.add(v) # We plan to visit them!
P[v] = u # Remember where we came from
return P # The traversal tree
Tip Objects of the set type let you perform set operations on other types as well! For example, in Listing 5-1, I use the dict P as if it were a set (of its keys) in the difference method. This works with other iterables too, such as list or deque, for example, and with other set methods, such as update.
The S parameter Basically, it represents a “forbidden zone”—a set of nodes that we may not have visited during our traversal but that we have been told to avoid. As for the dictionary P, I’m using it to represent predecessors. Each time we add a new node to the queue, I set its predecessor; that is, I make sure I remember where I came from when I found it. These predecessors will, when taken together, form the traversal tree. If you don’t care about the tree, you’re certainly free to use a set of visited nodes instead .
Note Whether you add nodes to this sort of “visited” set at the same time as adding them to the queue or later, when you pop them from the queue, is generally not important. It does have consequences for where you need to add an “if visited …” check, though.
def components(G): # The connected components
comp = []
seen = set() # Nodes we've already seen
for u in G: # Try every starting point
if u in seen: continue # Seen? Ignore it
C = walk(G, u) # Traverse component
seen.update(C) # Add keys of C to seen
comp.append(C) # Collect the components
return comp
Trémaux’s algorithm. In this formulation, it is commonly known as depth-first search, and it is one of the most fundamental (and fundamentally important) traversal algorithms.
Listing 5-4. Recursive Depth-First Search
def rec_dfs(G, s, S=None):
if S is None: S = set() # Initialize the history
S.add(s) # We've visited s
for u in G[s]: # Explore neighbors
if u in S: continue # Already visited: Skip
rec_dfs(G, u, S) # New: Explore recursively
def iter_dfs(G, s):
S, Q = set(), [] # Visited-set and queue
Q.append(s) # We plan on visiting s
while Q: # Planned nodes left?
u = Q.pop() # Get one
if u in S: continue # Already visited? Skip it
S.add(u) # We've visited it now
Q.extend(G[u]) # Schedule all neighbors
yield u # Report u as visited
>>> list(iter_dfs(G, 0))
[0, 5, 7, 6, 2, 3, 4, 1]
def traverse(G, s, qtype=set):
S, Q = set(), qtype()
while Q:
u = Q.pop()
if u in S: continue
for v in G[u]:
yield u
>>> list(traverse(G, 0, stack))
[0, 5, 7, 6, 2, 3, 4, 1]
a traversal without cycles naturally forms a tree.
Listing 5-6. Depth-First Search with Timestamps
def dfs(G, s, d, f, S=None, t=0):
if S is None: S = set() # Initialize the history
d[s] = t; t += 1 # Set discover time
S.add(s) # We've visited s
for u in G[s]: # Explore neighbors
if u in S: continue # Already visited. Skip
t = dfs(G, u, d, f, S, t) # Recurse; update timestamp
f[s] = t; t += 1 # Set finish time
return t # Return timestamp
def iddfs(G, s):
yielded = set() # Visited for the first time
def recurse(G, s, d, S=None): # Depth-limited DFS
if s not in yielded:
yield s
if d == 0: return # Max depth zero: Backtrack
if S is None: S = set()
for u in G[s]:
if u in S: continue
for v in recurse(G, u, d-1, S): # Recurse with depth-1
yield v
n = len(G)
for d in range(n): # Try all depths 0..V-1
if len(yielded) == n: break # All nodes seen?
for u in recurse(G, s, d):
yield u
def bfs(G, s):
P, Q = {s: None}, deque([s]) # Parents and FIFO queue
while Q:
u = Q.popleft() # Constant-time for deque
for v in G[u]:
if v in P: continue # Already has parent
P[v] = u # Reached from u: u is parent
return P
5-9 is similar to 5-5. Deque over list.
To extract a path to a node u, you can simply “walk backward” in P:
>>> path = [u]
>>> while P[u] is not None:
... path.append(P[u])
... u = P[u]
>>> path.reverse()
Python has a deque class in the collections module in the standard library. In addition to methods such as append, extend, and pop, which are performed on the right side, it has left equivalents, called appendleft , extendleft, and popleft. Internally, the deque is implemented as a doubly linked list of blocks, each of which is an array of individual elements.
A connected component is a maximal subgraph where all nodes can reach each other if you ignore edge directions (or if the graph is undirected). To get strongly connected components, though, you need to follow the edge directions; so, SCCs are the maximal subgraphs where there is a directed path from any node to any other.
def tr(G): # Transpose (rev. edges of) G
GT = {}
for u in G: GT[u] = set() # Get all the nodes in there
for u in G:
for v in G[u]:
GT[v].add(u) # Add all reverse edges
return GT
def scc(G):
GT = tr(G) # Get the transposed graph
sccs, seen = [], set()
for u in dfs_topsort(G): # DFS starting points
if u in seen: continue # Ignore covered nodes
C = walk(GT, u, seen) # Don't go "backward" (seen)
seen.update(C) # We've now seen C
sccs.append(C) # Another SCC found
return sccs
def divide_and_conquer(S, divide, combine):
if len(S) == 1: return S
L, R = divide(S)
A = divide_and_conquer(L, divide, combine)
B = divide_and_conquer(R, divide, combine)
return combine(A, B)
>>> from bisect import bisect
>>> a = [0, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 8, 9]
>>> bisect(a, 5)
class Node:
lft = None
rgt = None
def __init__(self, key, val):
self.key = key
self.val = val
def insert(node, key, val):
if node is None: return Node(key, val) # Empty leaf: it's not here
if node.key == key: node.val = val # Found key: return val
elif key < node.key: # Less than the key?
node.lft = insert(node.lft, key, val) # Go left
else: # Otherwise...
node.rgt = insert(node.rgt, key, val) # Go right
return node
def search(node, key):
if node is None: raise KeyError # Empty leaf: add node here
if node.key == key: return node.val # Found key: replace val
elif key < node.key: # Less than the key?
return search(node.lft, key) # Go left
else: # Otherwise...
return search(node.rgt, key) # Go right
class Tree: # Simple wrapper
root = None
def __setitem__(self, key, val):
self.root = insert(self.root, key, val)
def __getitem__(self, key):
return search(self.root, key)
def __contains__(self, key):
try: search(self.root, key)
except KeyError: return False
return True
>>> tree = Tree()
>>> tree["a"] = 42
>>> tree["a"]
>>> "b" in tree
Note The implementation in Listing 6-2 does not permit the tree to contain duplicate keys. If you insert a new value with an existing key, the old value is simply overwritten. This could easily be changed, because the tree structure itself does not preclude duplicates.
Bisection is fast, with little overhead, but works only on sorted arrays (such as Python lists). And sorted arrays are hard to maintain; adding elements takes linear time.
Search trees have more overhead but are dynamic and let you insert and remove elements.
In many cases, though, the clear winner will be the hash table, in the form of dict. Its average asymptotic running time is constant (as opposed to the logarithmic running time of bisection and search trees), and it is very close to that in practice, with little overhead.
search trees will let you access your values in sorted order—either all of them or just a portion.
Trees can also be extended to work in multiple dimensions, where hashing may be hard to achieve.
if you want the entry that is closest to your lookup key, a search tree would be the way to go.
Actually, more flexible may not be entirely correct. There are many objects (such as complex numbers) that can be hashed but that cannot be compared for size.
Tip If you’re looking for the k smallest (or largest) objects in an iterable in Python, you would probably use the nsmallest (or nlargest) function from the heapq module if your k is small, relative to the total number of objects. If the k is large, you should probably sort the sequence (either using the sort method or using the sorted function) and pick out the k first objects.
Listing 6-3. A Straightforward Implementation of Partition and Select
def partition(seq):
pi, seq = seq[0], seq[1:] # Pick and remove the pivot
lo = [x for x in seq if x <= pi] # All the small elements
hi = [x for x in seq if x > pi] # All the large ones
return lo, pi, hi # pi is "in the right place"
def select(seq, k):
lo, pi, hi = partition(seq) # [<= pi], pi, [> pi]
m = len(lo)
if m == k: return pi # We found the kth smalles
elif m < k: # Too far to the left
return select(hi, k-m-1) # Remember to adjust k
else: # Too far to the right
return select(lo, k) # Just use original k here
>>> denom = [10000, 5000, 2000, 1000, 500, 200, 100, 50, 25, 10, 5, 1]
>>> owed = 56329
>>> payed = []
>>> for d in denom:
... while owed >= d:
... owed -= d
... payed.append(d)
>>> sum(payed)
>>> len(payed)
Your goal for the tree structure is still the same. How can you minimize the sum of depth(u) × weight(u) over all leaves u? This problem certainly has other applications as well. In fact, the original (and most common) application is compression—representing a text more compactly—through variable-length codes.
let a partial solution consist of several tree fragments and then repeatedly combine them. When we combine two trees, we add a new, shared root and give it a weight equal to the sum of its children (that is, the previous roots). This is exactly what the numbers inside the nodes in Figure 7-2 mean.
from heapq import heapify, heappush, heappop
from itertools import count
def huffman(seq, frq):
num = count()
trees = list(zip(frq, num, seq)) # num ensures valid ordering
heapify(trees) # A min-heap based on freq
while len(trees) > 1: # Until all are combined
fa, _, a = heappop(trees) # Get the two smallest trees
fb, _, b = heappop(trees)
n = next(num)
heappush(trees, (fa+fb, n, [a, b])) # Combine and re-add them
return trees[0][-1]
>>> seq = "abcdefghi"
>>> frq = [4, 5, 6, 9, 11, 12, 15, 16, 20]
>>> huffman(seq, frq)
[['i', [['a', 'b'], 'e']], [['f', 'g'], [['c', 'd'], 'h']]]
As you can see, the resulting tree structure is equivalent to the one shown in Figure 7-2.
Listing 7-2. Extracting Huffman Codes from a Huffman Tree
def codes(tree, prefix=""):
if len(tree) == 1:
yield (tree, prefix) # A leaf with its code
for bit, child in zip("01", tree): # Left (0) and right (1)
for pair in codes(child, prefix + bit): # Get codes recursively
yield pair
def find(C, u):
if C[u] != u:
C[u] = find(C, C[u]) # Path compression
return C[u]
def union(C, R, u, v):a
u, v = find(C, u), find(C, v)
if R[u] > R[v]: # Union by rank
C[v] = u
C[u] = v
if R[u] == R[v]: # A tie: Move v up a level
R[v] += 1
def kruskal(G):
E = [(G[u][v],u,v) for u in G for v in G[u]]
T = set()
C, R = {u:u for u in G}, {u:0 for u in G} # Comp. reps and ranks
for _, u, v in sorted(E):
if find(C, u) != find(C, v):
T.add((u, v))
union(C, R, u, v)
return T
from heapq import heappop, heappush
def prim(G, s):
P, Q = {}, [(0, None, s)]
while Q:
_, p, u = heappop(Q)
if u in P: #if we already added u to P, don't add a dupe
P[u] = p
for v, w in G[u].items():
heappush(Q, (w, u, v))
return P
Graham and Hell succinctly explain the algorithms as follows. A partial solution is a spanning forest, consisting of a set of fragments (components, trees). Initially, each node is a fragment. In each iteration, edges are added, joining fragments, until we have a spanning tree.
Algorithm 1: Add a shortest edge that joins two different fragments.
Algorithm 2: Add a shortest edge that joins the fragment containing the root to another fragment.
Algorithm 3: For every fragment, add the shortest edge that joins it to another fragment.
For algorithm 2, the root is chosen arbitrarily at the beginning. For algorithm 3, it is assumed that all edge weights are different to ensure that no cycles can occur. As you can see, all three algorithms are based on the same fundamental fact—that the shortest edge over a cut is safe. Also, in order to implement them efficiently, you need to be able to find shortest edges, detect whether two nodes belong to the same fragment, and so forth (as explained for algorithms 1 and 2 in the main text). Still, these brief explanations can be useful as a memory aid or to get the bird’s-eye perspective on what’s going on.
Greedy algorithms take the best element at any given step, without reguard for previous/later choices.
Often easy to write, hard to prove they are optimal. Often prove by “keeping up”.
Important greedy problems and algorithms discussed in this chapter include the knapsack problem (selecting a weight-bounded subset of items with maximum value), where the fractional version can be solved greedily; Huffman trees, which can be used to create optimal prefix codes, and are built greedily by combining the smallest trees in the partial solution; and minimum spanning trees, which can be built using Kruskal’s algorithm (keep adding the smallest valid edge) or Prim’s algorithm (keep connecting the node that is closest to your tree).
from itertools import combinations
def naive_lis(seq):
for length in range(len(seq), 0, -1): # n, n-1, ... , 1
for sub in combinations(seq, length): # Subsequences of given length
if list(sub) == sorted(sub): # An increasing subsequence?
return sub # Return it!
combinations from itertools. Generates combinations (!) from lists.
Algorithms should be DRY as well as code.
from functools import wraps
def memo(func):
cache = {} # Stored subproblem solutions
@wraps(func) # Make wrap look like func
def wrap(*args): # The memoized wrapper
if args not in cache: # Not already computed?
cache[args] = func(*args) # Compute & cache the solution
return cache[args] # Return the cached solution
return wrap # Return the wrapper
>>> @memo
... def fib(i):
... if i < 2: return 1
... return fib(i-1) + fib(i-2)
>>> fib(100)
>>> def two_pow(i):
... if i == 0: return 1
... return two_pow(i-1) + two_pow(i-1)
>>> two_pow(10)
>>> two_pow(100) #hangs
>>> def two_pow(i):
... if i == 0: return 1
... return 2*two_pow(i-1)
>>> print(two_pow(10))
>>> print(two_pow(100))
(n) = (n-1) + (n-1) n choose k (k) (k-1) (k)
>>> @memo
>>> def C(n,k):
... if k == 0: return 1
... if n == 0: return 0
... return C(n-1,k-1) + C(n-1,k)
>>> C(4,2)
>>> C(10,7)
>>> C(100,50)
>>> from collections import defaultdict
>>> n, k = 10, 7
>>> C = defaultdict(int)
>>> for row in range(n+1):
... C[row,0] = 1
... for col in range(1,k+1):
... C[row,col] = C[row-1,col-1] + C[row-1,col]
>>> C[n,k]
Basically the same thing is going on. The main difference is that we need to figure out which cells in the cache need to be filled out, and we need to find a safe order to do it in so that when we’re about to calculate C[row,col], the cells C[row-1,col-1] and C[row-1,col] are already calculated. With the memoized function, we needn’t worry about either issue: it will calculate whatever it needs recursively.
One useful way to visualize dynamic programming algorithms with one or two subproblem parameters (such as n and k, here) is to use a (real or imagined) spreadsheet. For example, try calculating binomial coefficients in a spreadsheet by filling the first column with ones and filling in the rest of the first row with zeros. Put the formula =A1+B1 into cell B2, and copy it to the remaining cells.
def rec_dag_sp(W, s, t): # Shortest path from s to t
@memo # Memoize f
def d(u): # Distance from u to t
if u == t:
return 0 # We're there!
return min(W[u][v]+d(v) for v in W[u]) # Best of every first step
return d(s)
def dag_sp(W, s, t):
d = {u:float('inf') for u in W}
d[s] = 0
for u in topsort(W):
if u == t: break
for v in W[u]:
d[v] = min(d[v], d[u] + W[u][v])
return d[t]
def rec_lis(seq): # Longest increasing subseq.
def L(cur): # Longest ending at seq[cur]
res = 1 # Length is at least 1
for pre in range(cur): # Potential predecessors
if seq[pre] <= seq[cur]: # A valid (smaller) predec.
res = max(res, 1 + L(pre)) # Can we improve the solution?
return res
return max(L(i) for i in range(len(seq))) # The longest of them all
def basic_lis(seq):
L = [1] * len(seq)
for cur, val in enumerate(seq):
for pre in range(cur):
if seq[pre] <= val:
L[cur] = max(L[cur], 1 + L[pre])
return max(L)
from bisect import bisect
def lis(seq): # Longest increasing subseq.
end = [] # End-values for all lengths
for val in seq: # Try every value, in order
idx = bisect(end, val) # Can we build on an end val?
if idx == len(end): end.append(val) # Longest seq. extended
else: end[idx] = val # Prev. endpoint reduced
return len(end) # The longest we found
def rec_lcs(a,b): # Longest common subsequence
@memo # L is memoized
def L(i,j): # Prefixes a[:i] and b[:j]
if min(i,j) < 0: return 0 # One prefix is empty
if a[i] == b[j]: return 1 + L(i-1,j-1) # Match! Move diagonally
return max(L(i-1,j), L(i,j-1)) # Chop off either a[i] or b[j]
return L(len(a)-1,len(b)-1) # Run L on entire sequences
def lcs(a,b):
n, m = len(a), len(b)
pre, cur = [0]*(n+1), [0]*(n+1) # Previous/current row
for j in range(1,m+1): # Iterate over b
pre, cur = cur, pre # Keep prev., overwrite cur.
for i in range(1,n+1): # Iterate over a
if a[i-1] == b[j-1]: # Last elts. of pref. equal?
cur[i] = pre[i-1] + 1 # L(i,j) = L(i-1,j-1) + 1
else: # Otherwise...
cur[i] = max(pre[i], cur[i-1]) # max(L(i,j-1),L(i-1,j))
return cur[n] # L(n,m)
def rec_unbounded_knapsack(w, v, c): # Weights, values and capacity
@memo # m is memoized
def m(r): # Max val. w/remaining cap. r
if r == 0: return 0 # No capacity? No value
val = m(r-1) # Ignore the last cap. unit?
for i, wi in enumerate(w): # Try every object
if wi > r: continue # Too heavy? Ignore it
val = max(val, v[i] + m(r-wi)) # Add value, remove weight
return val # Max over all last objects
return m(c) # Full capacity available
def unbounded_knapsack(w, v, c):
m = [0]
for r in range(1,c+1):
val = m[r-1]
for i, wi in enumerate(w):
if wi > r: continue
val = max(val, v[i] + m[r-wi])
return m[c]
def rec_knapsack(w, v, c): # Weights, values and capacity
@memo # m is memoized
def m(k, r): # Max val., k objs and cap r
if k == 0 or r == 0: return 0 # No objects/no capacity
i = k-1 # Object under consideration
drop = m(k-1, r) # What if we drop the object?
if w[i] > r: return drop # Too heavy: Must drop it
return max(drop, v[i] + m(k-1, r-w[i])) # Include it? Max of in/out
return m(len(w), c) # All objects, all capacity
def knapsack(w, v, c): # Returns solution matrices
n = len(w) # Number of available items
m = [[0]*(c+1) for i in range(n+1)] # Empty max-value matrix
P = [[False]*(c+1) for i in range(n+1)] # Empty keep/drop matrix
for k in range(1,n+1): # We can use k first objects
i = k-1 # Object under consideration
for r in range(1,c+1): # Every positive capacity
m[k][r] = drop = m[k-1][r] # By default: drop the object
if w[i] > r: continue # Too heavy? Ignore it
keep = v[i] + m[k-1][r-w[i]] # Value of keeping it
m[k][r] = max(drop, keep) # Best of dropping and keeping
P[k][r] = keep > drop # Did we keep it?
return m, P # Return full results
>>> m, P = knapsack(w, v, c)
>>> k, r, items = len(w), c, set()
>>> while k > 0 and r > 0:
... i = k-1
... if P[k][r]:
... items.add(i)
... r -= w[i]
... k -= 1
Problems solved using DP in this chapter include calculating binomial coefficients, finding shortest paths in DAGs, finding the longest increasing subsequence of a given sequence, finding the longest common subsequence of two given sequences, getting the most out of your knapsack with limited and unlimited supplies of indivisible items, and building binary search trees that minimize the expected lookup time.
For some sequence comparison goodness in the Python standard library, check out the difflib module. If you have Sage installed, you could have a look at its knapsack module (sage.numerical.knapsack).
inf = float('inf')
def relax(W, u, v, D, P):
d = D.get(u,inf) + W[u][v] # Possible shortcut estimate
if d < D.get(v,inf): # Is it really a shortcut?
D[v], P[v] = d, u # Update estimate and parent
return True # There was a change!
>>> D[u]
>>> D[v]
>>> W[u][v]
>>> relax(W, u, v, D, P)
>>> D[v]
>>> D[v] = 8
>>> relax(W, u, v, D, P)
>>> D[v]
def bellman_ford(G, s):
D, P = {s:0}, {} # Zero-dist to s; no parents
for rnd in G: # n = len(G) rounds
changed = False # No changes in round so far
for u in G: # For every from-node...
for v in G[u]: # ... and its to-nodes...
if relax(G, u, v, D, P): # Shortcut to v from u?
changed = True # Yes! So something changed
if not changed: break # No change in round: Done
else: # Not done before round n?
raise ValueError('negative cycle')# Negative cycle detected
return D, P # Otherwise: D and P correct
from heapq import heappush, heappop
def dijkstra(G, s):
D, P, Q, S = {s:0}, {}, [(0,s)], set() # Est., tree, queue, visited
while Q: # Still unprocessed nodes?
_, u = heappop(Q) # Node with lowest estimate
if u in S: continue # Already visited? Skip it
S.add(u) # We've visited it now
for v in G[u]: # Go through all its neighbors
relax(G, u, v, D, P) # Relax the out-edge
heappush(Q, (D[v], v)) # Add to queue, w/est. as pri
return D, P # Final D and P returned
It’s a bit like you had set up a series of dominoes along each edge (the number of dominoes proportional to the weight), and you then tip the first domino in the start node. A node may be reached from multiple directions, but we can see which direction won, by looking at which dominoes lie below the others.
If we started with this approach, we could see Dijkstra’s algorithm as a way of gaining performance by “simulating” BFS, or the dominoes (or flowing water or a spreading sound wave, or …), without bothering to deal with each dummy node (or domino) individually.
from copy import deepcopy
def johnson(G): # All pairs shortest paths
G = deepcopy(G) # Don't want to break original
s = object() # Guaranteed unused node
G[s] = {v:0 for v in G} # Edges from s have zero wgt
h, _ = bellman_ford(G, s) # h[v]: Shortest dist from s
del G[s] # No more need for s
for u in G: # The weight from u ...
for v in G[u]: # ... to v ...
G[u][v] += h[u] - h[v] # ... is adjusted (nonneg.)
D, P = {}, {} # D[u][v] and P[u][v]
for u in G: # From every u ...
D[u], P[u] = dijkstra(G, u) # ... find the shortest paths
for v in G: # For each destination ...
D[u][v] += h[v] - h[u] # ... readjust the distance
return D, P # These are two-dimensional
def rec_floyd_warshall(G): # All shortest paths
@memo # Store subsolutions
def d(u,v,k): # u to v via 1..k
if k==0: return G[u][v] # Assumes v in G[u]
return min(d(u,v,k-1), d(u,k,k-1) + d(k,v,k-1)) # Use k or not?
return {(u,v): d(u,v,len(G)) for u in G for v in G} # D[u,v] = d(u,v,n)
def floyd_warshall(G):
D = deepcopy(G) # No intermediates yet
for k in G: # Look for shortcuts with k
for u in G:
for v in G:
D[u][v] = min(D[u][v], D[u][k] + D[k][v])
return D
def floyd_warshall(G):
D, P = deepcopy(G), {}
for u in G:
for v in G:
if u == v or G[u][v] == inf:
P[u,v] = None
P[u,v] = u
for k in G:
for u in G:
for v in G:
shortcut = D[u][k] + D[k][v]
if shortcut < D[u][v]:
D[u][v] = shortcut
P[u,v] = P[k,v]
return D, P
def idijkstra(G, s):
Q, S = [(0,s)], set() # Queue w/dists, visited
while Q: # Still unprocessed nodes?
d, u = heappop(Q) # Node with lowest estimate
if u in S: continue # Already visited? Skip it
S.add(u) # We've visited it now
yield u, d # Yield a subsolution/node
for v in G[u]: # Go through all its neighbors
heappush(Q, (d+G[u][v], v)) # Add to queue, w/est. as pri
from itertools import cycle
def bidir_dijkstra(G, s, t):
Ds, Dt = {}, {} # D from s and t, respectively
forw, back = idijkstra(G,s), idijkstra(G,t) # The "two Dijkstras"
dirs = (Ds, Dt, forw), (Dt, Ds, back) # Alternating situations
try: # Until one of forw/back ends
for D, other, step in cycle(dirs): # Switch between the two
v, d = next(step) # Next node/distance for one
D[v] = d # Remember the distance
if v in other: break # Also visited by the other?
except StopIteration: return inf # One ran out before they met
m = inf # They met; now find the path
for u in Ds: # For every visited forw-node
for v in G[u]: # ... go through its neighbors
if not v in Dt: continue # Is it also back-visited?
m = min(m, Ds[u] + G[u][v] + Dt[v]) # Is this path better?
return m # Return the best path
from heapq import heappush, heappop
def a_star(G, s, t, h):
P, Q = {}, [(h(s), None, s)] # Preds and queue w/heuristic
while Q: # Still unprocessed nodes?
d, p, u = heappop(Q) # Node with lowest heuristic
if u in P: continue # Already visited? Skip it
P[u] = p # Set path predecessor
if u == t: return d - h(t), P # Arrived! Ret. dist and preds
for v in G[u]: # Go through all neighbors
w = G[u][v] - h(u) + h(v) # Modify weight wrt heuristic
heappush(Q, (d + w, u, v)) # Add to queue, w/heur as pri
return inf, None # Didn't get to t
from string import ascii_lowercase as chars
class WordSpace: # An implicit graph w/utils
def __init__(self, words): # Create graph over the words
self.words = words
self.M = M = dict() # Reachable words
def variants(self, wd, words): # Yield all word variants
wasl = list(wd) # The word as a list
for i, c in enumerate(wasl): # Each position and character
for oc in chars: # Every possible character
if c == oc: continue # Don't replace with the same
wasl[i] = oc # Replace the character
ow = ''.join(wasl) # Make a string of the word
if ow in words: # Is it a valid word?
yield ow # Then we yield it
wasl[i] = c # Reset the character
def __getitem__(self, wd): # The adjacency map interface
if wd not in self.M: # Cache the neighbors
self.M[wd] = dict.fromkeys(self.variants(wd, self.words), 1)
return self.M[wd]
def heuristic(self, u, v): # The default heuristic
return sum(a!=b for a, b in zip(u, v)) # How many characters differ?
def ladder(self, s, t, h=None): # Utility wrapper for a_star
if h is None: # Allows other heuristics
def h(v):
return self.heuristic(v, t)
_, P = a_star(self, s, t, h) # Get the predecessor map
if P is None:
return [s, None, t] # When no path exists
u, p = t, []
while u is not None: # Walk backward from t
p.append(u) # Append every predecessor
u = P[u] # Take another step
p.reverse() # The path is backward
return p
>>> wds = set(line.strip().lower() for line in open("/usr/share/dict/words"))
>>> G = WordSpace(words)
>>> G.ladder('lead', 'gold')
['lead', 'load', 'goad', 'gold']
this chapter dealt with finding optimal routes in network-like structures and spaces—in other words, shortest paths in graphs.
One fundamental tactic common to all the shortest path algorithms is that of looking for shortcuts, either through a new possible next-to-last node along a path, using the relax function or something equivalent (most of the algorithms do this), or by considering a shortcut consisting of two subpaths, to and from some intermediate node (the strategy of Floyd-Warshall).
Example of pairing as many brides/grooms as possible without regard to preference.
Listing 10-1. Finding a Maximum Bipartite Matching Using Augmenting Paths
from collections import defaultdict
from itertools import chain
def match(G, X, Y): # Maximum bipartite matching
H = tr(G) # The transposed graph
S, T, M = set(X), set(Y), set() # Unmatched left/right + match
while S: # Still unmatched on the left?
s = S.pop() # Get one
Q, P = {s}, {} # Start a traversal from it
while Q: # Discovered, unvisited
u = Q.pop() # Visit one
if u in T: # Finished augmenting path?
T.remove(u) # u is now matched
break # and our traversal is done
forw = (v for v in G[u] if (u,v) not in M) # Possible new edges
back = (v for v in H[u] if (v,u) in M) # Cancellations
for v in chain(forw, back): # Along out- and in-edges
if v in P: continue # Already visited? Ignore
P[v] = u # Traversal predecessor
Q.add(v) # New node discovered
while u != s: # Augment: Backtrack to s
u, v = P[u], u # Shift one step
if v in G[u]: # Forward edge?
M.add((u,v)) # New edge
else: # Backward edge?
M.remove((v,u)) # Cancellation
return M # Matching -- a set of edges
The easiest (and most common) solution is to specify two special nodes, s and t, called the source and the sink. (Such a graph is often called an s-t graph, or an s-t-network.)
We can do that by introducing two rules: Disjoint path
The number of paths going into any node except s or t must equal the number of paths going out of that node.
At most one path can go through any given edge.
Maximum flow
More generally, the metaphor here is some form of substance flowing through the network, from the source to the sink, and the capacity represents the limit for how many units can flow through a given edge.
magnitude of the flow is the total amount pushed through the network. (This can be found by finding the net flow out of the source, for example.)
Flow rules
The amount of flow going into any node except s or t must equal the amount of flow going out of that node.
At most c(e) units of flow can go through any given edge. [c(e) is capacity of edge]
from collections import deque
inf = float('inf')
def bfs_aug(G, H, s, t, f):
P, Q, F = {s: None}, deque([s]), {s: inf} # Tree, queue, flow label
def label(inc): # Flow increase at v from u?
if v in P or inc <= 0: return # Seen? Unreachable? Ignore
F[v], P[v] = min(F[u], inc), u # Max flow here? From where?
Q.append(v) # Discovered -- visit later
while Q: # Discovered, unvisited
u = Q.popleft() # Get one (FIFO)
if u == t: return P, F[t] # Reached t? Augmenting path!
for v in G[u]: label(G[u][v]-f[u,v]) # Label along out-edges
for v in H[u]: label(f[v,u]) # Label along in-edges
return None, 0 # No augmenting path found
def ford_fulkerson(G, s, t, aug=bfs_aug): # Max flow from s to t
H, f = tr(G), defaultdict(int) # Transpose and flow
while True: # While we can improve things
P, c = aug(G, H, s, t, f) # Aug. path and capacity/slack
if c == 0: return f # No augm. path found? Done!
u = t # Start augmentation
while u != s: # Backtrack to s
u, v = P[u], u # Shift one step
if v in G[u]: f[u,v] += c # Forward edge? Add slack
else: f[v,u] -= c # Backward edge? Cancel slack
def busacker_gowen(G, W, s, t): # Min-cost max-flow
def sp_aug(G, H, s, t, f): # Shortest path (Bellman-Ford)
D, P, F = {s:0}, {s:None}, {s:inf,t:0} # Dist, preds and flow
def label(inc, cst): # Label + relax, really
if inc <= 0: return False # No flow increase? Skip it
d = D.get(u,inf) + cst # New possible aug. distance
if d >= D.get(v,inf): return False # No improvement? Skip it
D[v], P[v] = d, u # Update dist and pred
F[v] = min(F[u], inc) # Update flow label
return True # We changed things!
for rnd in G: # n = len(G) rounds
changed = False # No changes in round so far
for u in G: # Every from-node
for v in G[u]: # Every forward to-node
changed |= label(G[u][v]-f[u,v], W[u,v])
for v in H[u]: # Every backward to-node
changed |= label(f[v,u], -W[v,u])
if not changed: break # No change in round: Done
else: # Not done before round n?
raise ValueError('negative cycle') # Negative cycle detected
return P, F[t] # Preds and flow reaching t
return ford_fulkerson(G, s, t, sp_aug) # Max-flow with Bellman-Ford
Let’s say you’ve come to a small town where one of the main attractions is a pair of twin mountain peaks. The locals have affectionately called the two Castor and Pollux, after the twin brothers from Greek and Roman mythology. It is rumored that there’s a long-forgotten gold mine on the top of Pollux, but many an adventurer has been lost to the treacherous mountain. In fact, so many unsuccessful attempts have been made to reach the gold mine that the locals have come to believe it can’t be done. You decide to go for a walk and take a look for yourself.
After stocking up on donuts and coffee at a local roadhouse, you set off. After a relatively short walk, you get to a vantage point where you can see the mountains relatively clearly. From where you’re standing, you can see that Pollux looks like a really hellish climb—steep faces, deep ravines, and thorny brush all around it. Castor, on the other hand, looks like a climber’s dream. The sides slope gently, and it seems there are lots of handholds all the way to the top. You can’t be sure, but it seems like it might be a nice climb. Too bad the gold mine isn’t up there.
You decide to take a closer look, and pull out your binoculars. That’s when you spot something odd. There seems to be a small tower on top of Castor, with a zip line down to the peak of Pollux. Immediately, you give up any plans you had to climb Castor. Why? (If you don’t immediately see it, it might be worth pondering for a bit.)1
Of course, we’ve seen the exact situation before, in the discussions of hardness in Chapters 4 and 6. The zip line makes it easy to get from Castor to Pollux, so if Castor were easy, someone would have found the gold mine already.2 It’s a simple contrapositive: if Castor were easy, Pollux would be too; Pollux is not easy, so Castor can’t be either. This is exactly what we do when we want to prove that a problem (Castor) is hard. We take something we know is hard (Pollux) and show that it’s easy to solve this hard problem using our new, unknown one (we uncover a zip line from Castor to Pollux).
As I’ve mentioned before, this isn’t so confusing in itself. It can be easy to confuse things when we start talking about it in terms of reductions, though. For example, is it obvious to you that we’re reducing Pollux to Castor here? The reduction is the zip line, which lets us use a solution to Castor as if it were a solution to Pollux. In other words, if you want to prove that problem X is hard, find some hard problem Y and reduce it to X.
Caution The zip line goes in the opposite direction of the reduction. It’s crucial that you don’t get this mixed up, or the whole idea falls apart. The term reduction here means basically “Oh, that’s easy, you just …” In other words, if you reduce A to B, you’re saying “You want to solve A? That’s easy, you just solve B.” Or in this case: “You want to scale Pollux? That’s easy, just scale Castor (and take the zip line).” In other words, we’ve reduced the scaling of Pollux to the scaling of Castor (and not the other way around).
Hard Problems:
The problem is intractable—any algorithm solving it must be exponential.
We don’t know whether the problem is intractable, but no one has ever been able to find a polynomial algorithm for it.
Some hard problems can be made easy or at least solvable it we allow ourselves to get sloppy. An approximation ratio is formed by the optimal solution and the and how good you can actually get.
Let’s consider the maximization case. If we know that the optimum will never be greater than A, and we know our approximation will never be smaller than B, we can be certain that the ratio of the two will never be greater than A/B.
A Hamilton cycle connects all nodes, and the absolutely cheapest way of connecting all nodes is using a minimum spanning tree.
Listing 11-1. The “Twice Around the Tree” Algorithm, a 2-Approximation for Metric TSP
from collections import defaultdict # 2-approx for metric TSP
def mtsp(G, r): # Tree and cycle
T, C = defaultdict(list), [] # Build a traversable MSP
for c, p in prim(G, r).items(): # Child is parent's neighbor
T[p].append(c) # Recursive DFS
def walk(r): # Preorder node collection
C.append(r) # Visit subtrees recursively
for v in T[r]: walk(v) # Traverse from the root
walk(r) # At least half-optimal cycle
return C
from __future__ import division
from heapq import heappush, heappop
from itertools import count
def bb_knapsack(w, v, c):
sol = 0 # Solution so far
n = len(w) # Item count
idxs = list(range(n))
idxs.sort(key=lambda i: v[i]/w[i], reverse=True) # Sort by descending unit cost
def bound(sw, sv, m): # Greedy knapsack bound
if m == n: return sv # No more items?
objs = ((v[i], w[i]) for i in idxs[m:]) # Descending unit cost order
for av, aw in objs: # Added value and weight
if sw + aw > c: break # Still room?
sw += aw # Add wt to sum of wts
sv += av # Add val to sum of vals
return sv + (av/aw)*(c-sw) # Add fraction of last item
def node(sw, sv, m): # A node (generates children)
nonlocal sol # "Global" inside bb_knapsack
if sw > c: return # Weight sum too large? Done
sol = max(sol, sv) # Otherwise: Update solution
if m == n: return # No more objects? Return
i = idxs[m] # Get the right index
ch = [(sw, sv), (sw+w[i], sv+v[i])] # Children: without/with m
for sw, sv in ch: # Try both possibilities
b = bound(sw, sv, m+1) # Bound for m+1 items
if b > sol: # Is the branch promising?
yield b, node(sw, sv, m+1) # Yield child w/bound
num = count() # Helps avoid heap collisions
Q = [(0, next(num), node(0, 0, 0))] # Start with just the root
while Q: # Any nodes left?
_, _, r = heappop(Q) # Get one
for b, u in r: # Expand it ...
heappush(Q, (b, next(num), u)) # ... and push the children
return sol # Return the solution
GPULib and PyStream. These two packages let you use graphics processing units (GPUs) to accelerate your code. They don’t provide the kind of drop-in acceleration that a JIT compiler such as Psyco would, but if you have a powerful GPU, why not use it? Of the two projects, PyStream is older, and the efforts of Tech-X Corporation have shifted to the newer GPULib project. It gives you a high-level interface for various forms of numeric computation using GPUs.
Pyrex, Cython, and Shedskin. These three projects let you translate Python code into C or C++. Shedskin compiles plain Python code into C++, while Pyrex and Cython (which is a fork of Pyrex) primarily target C. In Cython (and Pyrex), you can add optional type declarations to your code, stating that a variable is (and will always be) an integer, for example. In Cython, there is also interoperability support for NumPy arrays, letting you write low-level code that accesses the array contents very efficiently. I have used this in my own code, achieving speedup factors of up to 300–400 for suitable code. The code that is generated by Pyrex and Cython can be compiled directly to an extension module that can be imported into Python.
SWIG, F2PY and Boost.Python. These tools let you wrap C/C++, Fortran, and C++ code, respectively. Although you could write your own wrapper code for accessing your extension modules, using a tool like one of these takes a lot of the tedium out of the job—and makes it more likely that the result will be correct. For example, when using SWIG, you run a command-line tool on your C (or C++) header files, and wrapper code is generated. A bonus to using SWIG is that it can generate wrappers for a lot of other languages, beside Python, so your extension could be available for Java or PHP as well, for example.
ctypes, llvm-py, and CorePy. These are modules that let you manipulate low-level code objects in your Python code. The ctypes module lets you build C objects in memory and call C functions in shared libraries (such as DLLs) with those objects as parameters. The llvm-py package gives you a Python API to the LLVM, mentioned earlier, which lets you build code and then compile it efficiently. If you wanted, you could use this to build your own compiler (perhaps for a language of your own?) in Python. CorePy also lets you manipulate and efficiently run code objects, although it works at the assembly level. (Note that ctypes is part of the Python standard library.)
Weave, Cinpy, and PyInline. These three packages let you use C (or some other languages) directly in your Python code. This is done quite cleanly, by keeping the C code in multiline Python strings, which are then compiled on the fly. The resulting code object is then available to your Python code, using facilities such as ctypes for the interfacing.
Table A-1. URLs for Acceleration Tool Web Sites
In most descriptions in this appendix, n refers to the problem size (such as the number of elements in a sequence). For the special case of graphs, though, n refers to the number of nodes, and m refers to the number of edges.
Cliques and independent sets. A clique is a graph where there is an edge between every pair of nodes. The main problem of interest here is finding a clique in a larger graph (that is, identifying a clique as a subgraph). An independent set in a graph is a set of nodes where no pair is connected by an edge. In other words, finding an independent set is equivalent to taking the complement of the edge set and finding a clique. Finding a k-clique (a clique of k nodes) or finding the largest clique in a graph (the max- clique problem) is NP-hard. (For more information, see Chapter 11.)
Closest pair. Given a set of points in the Euclidean plane, find the two points that are closest to each other. This can be solved in loglinear time using the divide-and-conquer strategy (see Chapter 6).
Compression and optimal decision trees. A Huffman tree is a tree whose leaves have weights (frequencies), and the sum of their weights multiplied by their depth is as small as possible. This makes such trees useful for constructing compression codes and as decision trees when a probability distribution is known for the outcomes. Huffman trees can be built using Huffman’s algorithm, described in Chapter 7 (Listing 7-1).
Connected and strongly connected components. An undirected graph is connected if there is a path from every node to every other. A directed graph is connected if its underlying undirected graph is connected. A connected component is a maximal subgraph that is connected. Connected components can be found using traversal algorithms such as DFS (Listing 5-5) or BFS (Listing 5-9), for example. If there is a (directed) path from every node to every other in a directed graph, it is called strongly connected. A strongly connected component (SCC) is a maximal subgraph that is strongly connected. SCCs can be found using Kosaraju’s algorithm (Listing 5-10).
Convex hulls. A convex hull is the minimum convex region containing a set of points in the Euclidean plane. Convex hulls can be found in loglinear time using the divide-and-conquer strategy (see Chapter 6).
Finding the minimum/maximum/median. Finding the minimum and maximum of a sequence can be found in linear time by a simple scan. Repeatedly finding and extracting the maximum or minimum in constant time, given linear-time preparation, can be done using a binary heap. It is also possible to find the kth smallest element of a sequence (the median for k = n/2) in linear (or expected linear) time, using the select or randomized select. (For more information, see Chapter 6).
Flow and cut problems. How many units of flow can be pushed through a network with flow capacities on the edges? That is the max-flow problem. An equivalent problem is finding the set of edge capacities that most constrain the flow; this is the min-cut problem. There are several versions of these problems. For example, you could add costs to the edges, and find the cheapest of the maximum flows. You could add lower bound on each edge and look for a feasible flow. You could even add separate supplies and demands in each node. These problems are dealt with in detail in Chapter 10.
Graph coloring. Try to color the nodes of a graph so that no neighbors share a color. Now try to do this with a given number of colors, or even to find the lowest such number (the chromatic number of the graph). This is an NP-hard problem in general. If, however, you’re asked to see if a graph is two-colorable (or bipartite), the problem can be solved in linear time using simple traversal. The problem of finding a clique cover is equivalent to finding an independent set cover, which is an identical problem to graph coloring. (See Chapter 11 for more on graph coloring.)
Hamilton cycles/paths and TSP … and Euler tours. Several path and subgraph problems can be solved efficiently. If, however, you want to visit every node exactly once, you’re in trouble. Any problem involving this constraint is NP-hard, including finding a Hamilton cycle (visit every node once and return), a Hamilton path (visit every node once, without returning), or a shortest tour of a complete graph (the Traveling Salesman/Salesrep problem). The problems are NP-hard both for the directed and undirected case (see Chapter 11). The related problem of visiting every edge exactly once, though— finding a so-called Euler tour—is solvable in polynomial time (see Chapter 5). The TSP problem is NP- hard even for special cases such as using Euclidean distances in the plane, but it can be efficiently approximated to within a factor of 1.5 for this case, and for any other metric distance. Approximating the TSP problem in general, though, is NP-hard. (See Chapter 11 for more information.)
Longest increasing subsequence. Find the longest subsequence of a given sequence whose elements are in increasing order. This can be solved in loglinear time using dynamic programming (see Chapter 8).
Matching. There are many matching problems, all of which involve linking some object to others. The problems discussed in this book are bipartite matching and min-cost bipartite matching (Chapter 10) and the stable marriage problem (Chapter 7). Bipartite matching (or maximum bipartite matching) involves finding the greatest subset of edges in a bipartite graph so that no two edges in the subset share a node. The min-cost version does the same, but minimizes the sum of edge costs over this subset. The stable marriage problem is a bit different; there, all men and women have preference rankings of the members of the opposite sex. A stable set of marriages is characterized by the fact that you can’t find a pair that would rather have each other than their current mates.
Minimum spanning trees. A spanning tree is a subgraph whose edges form a tree over all the nodes of the original graph. A minimum spanning tree is one that minimizes the sum of edge costs. Minimum spanning trees can be found using Kruskal’s algorithm (Listing 7-4) or Prim’s algorithm (Listing 7-5), for example. Because the number of edges is fixed, a maximum spanning tree can be found by simply negating the edge weights.
Partitioning and bin packing. Partitioning involves dividing a set of numbers into two sets with equal sums, while the bin packing problem involves packing a set of numbers into a set of “bins” so that the sum in each bin is below a certain limit and so that the number of bins is as small as possible. Both problems are NP-hard. (See Chapter 11.)
SAT, Circuit-SAT, k-CNF-SAT. These are all varieties of the satisfaction problem (SAT), which asks you to determine whether a given logical (Boolean) formula can ever be true, if you’re allowed to set the variables to whatever truth values you want. The circuit-SAT problem simply uses logical circuits rather than formulas, and k-CNF-SAT involves formulas in conjunctive normal form, where each clause consists of k literals. The latter can be solved in polynomial time for k = 2. The other problems, as well as k-CNF-SAT for k > 2, are NP-complete. (See Chapter 11.)
Searching. This is a very common and extremely important problem. You have a key and want to find an associated value. This is, for example, how variables work in dynamic languages such as Python. It’s also how you find almost anything on the Internet these days. Two important solutions are hash tables (see Chapter 2) and binary search or search trees (see Chapter 6). Given a probability distribution for the objects in the data set, optimal search trees can be constructed using dynamic programming (see Chapter 8).
Sequence comparison. You may want to compare two sequences to know how similar (or dissimilar) they are. One way of doing this is to find the longest subsequence the two have in common (longest common subsequence) or to find the minimum number of basic edit operations to go from one sequence to the other (so-called edit distance, or Levenshtein distance). These two problems are more or less equivalent; see Chapter 8 for more information.
Sequence modification. Inserting an element into the middle of a linked list is cheap (constant time), but finding a given location is costly (linear time); for an array, the opposite is true (constant lookup, linear insert, because all later elements must be shifted). Appending can be done cheaply for both structures, though (see the black box sidebar on list in Chapter 2).
Set and vertex covers. A vertex cover is a set of vertices that cover (that is, are adjacent to) all the edges of the graph. A set cover is a generalization of this idea, where the nodes are replaced with subsets, and you want to cover the entire set. The problem lies in constraining or minimizing the number of nodes/subsets. Both problems are NP-hard (see Chapter 11).
Shortest paths. This problem involves finding the shortest path from one node to another, from one node to all the others (or vice versa), or from all nodes to all others. The one-to-one, one-to-all, and all- to-one cases are solved the same way, normally using BFS for unweighted graphs, DAG shortest path for DAGs, Dijkstra’s algorithm for nonnegative edge weights, and Bellman–Ford in the general case. To speed up things in practice (although without affecting the worst-case running time), one can also use bidirectional Dijkstra, or the A* algorithm. For the all pairs shortest paths problem, the algorithms of choice are probably Floyd–Warshall or (for sparse graphs) Johnson’s algorithm. If the edges are nonnegative, Johnson’s algorithm is (asymptotically) equivalent to running Dijkstra’s algorithm from every node (which may be more effective). (For more information on shortest path algorithms, see Chapters 5 and 9.) Note that the longest path problem (for general graphs) can be used to find Hamilton paths, which means that it is NP-hard. This, in fact, means that the shortest path problem is also NP- hard in the general case. If we disallow negative cycles in the graph, however, our polynomial algorithms will work.
Sorting and element uniqueness. Sorting is an important operation and an essential subroutine for several other algorithms. In Python, you would normally sort by using the list.sort method or the sorted function, both of which use a highly efficient implementation of the timsort algorithm. Other algorithms include insertion sort, selection sort, and gnome sort (all of which have a quadratic running time), as well as heapsort, mergesort, and quicksort (which are loglinear, although this holds only in the average case for quicksort). For the info on the quadratic sorting algorithms, see Chapter 5; for the loglinear (divide-and-conquer) algorithms, see Chapter 6. Deciding whether a set of real numbers contains duplicates cannot (in the worst case) be solved with a running time better than loglinear. By reduction, neither can sorting.
The halting problem. Determine whether a given algorithm will terminate with a given input. The problem is undecidable (that is, unsolvable) in the general case (see Chapter 11).
The knapsack problem and integer programming. The knapsack problem involves choosing a valuable subset of a set of items, under certain constraints. In the (bounded) fractional case, you have a certain amount of some substances, each of which has a unit value (value per unit of weight). You also have a knapsack that can carry a certain maximum weight. The (greedy) solution is to take as much as you can of each substance, starting with the one with the highest unit value. For the integral knapsack problem, you can only take entire items—fractions aren’t allowed. Each item has a weight and a value. For the bounded case (also known as 0-1 knapsack) you have a limited number of objects of each type. (Another perspective would be that you have a fixed set of objects that you either take or not.) In the unbounded case, you can take as many as you want from each of a set of object types (still respecting your carrying capacity, of course). A special case known as the subset sum problem involves selecting a subset of a set of numbers so that the subset has a given sum. These problems are all NP-hard (see Chapter 11), but admit pseudopolynomial solutions based on dynamic programming (see Chapter 8). The fractional knapsack case, as explained, can even be solved in polynomial time using a greedy strategy (see Chapter 7). Integer programming is, in some ways, a generalization of the knapsack problem (and is therefore obviously NP-hard). It is simply linear programming where the variables are constrained to be integers.
Topological sorting. Order the nodes of a DAG so that all the edges point in the same direction. If the edges represent dependencies, a topological sorting represents an ordering that respects the dependencies. This problem can be solved by a form of reference counting (see Chapter 4) or by using DFS (see Chapter 5).
Traversal. The problem here is to visit all the objects in some connected structure, usually represented as nodes in a graph or tree. The idea can be either to visit every node or to visit only those needed to solve some problem. The latter strategy of ignoring parts of the graph or tree is called pruning and is used (for example) in search trees and in the branch and bound strategy. For a lot on traversal, see Chapter 5.
2-3-trees. Balanced tree structure, allowing insertions, deletions, and search in worst-case Θ(lg n) time. Internal nodes can have two or three children, and the tree is balanced during insertion by splitting nodes, as needed. (See Chapter 6.)
A*. Heuristically guided single source shortest path algorithm. Suitable for large search spaces. Instead of choosing the node with the lowest distance estimate (as in Dijkstra’s), the node with the lowest heuristic value (sum of distance estimate and guess for remaining distance) is used. Worst-case running time identical to Dijkstra’s algorithm. (See Listing 9-10.)
AA-tree. 2-3-trees simulated using node rotations in a binary tree with level-numbered nodes. Worst- case running times of Θ(lg n) for insertions, deletions, and search. (See Listing 6-6.)
Bellman–Ford. Shortest path from one node to all others in weighted graphs. Looks for a shortcut along every edge n times. Without negative cycles, correct answer guaranteed after n –1 iterations. If there’s improvement in the last round, a negative cycle is detected, and the algorithm gives up. Running time Θ(nm). (See Listing 9-2.)
Bidirectional Dijkstra. Dijkstra’s algorithm run from start and end node simultaneous, with alternating iterations going to each of the two algorithms. The shortest path is found when the two meet up in the middle (although some care must be taken at this point). The worst-case running time is just like for Dijkstra’s algorithm. (See Listings 9-8 and 9-9.)
Binary search trees. A binary tree structure where each node has a key (and usually an associated value). Descendant keys are partitioned by the node key: smaller keys go in the left subtree, and greater keys go in the right. On the average, the depth of any node is logarithmic, giving an expected insertion and search time of Θ(lg n). Without extra balancing, though (such as in the AA-tree), the tree can become unbalanced, giving linear running times. (See Listing 6-2.)
Bisection, binary search. A search procedure that works in a manner similar to search trees, by repeated halving the interval of interest in a sorted sequence. The halving is performed by inspecting the middle element, and deciding whether the sought value must lie to the left or right. Running time Θ(lg n). A very efficient implementation can be found in the bisect module. (See Chapter 6.)
Branch and bound. A general algorithmic design approach. Searches a space of solutions in a depth-first or best-first order by building and evaluating partial solutions. A conservative estimate is kept for the optimal value, while an optimistic estimate is computed for a partial solution. If the optimistic estimate is worse than the conservative one, the partial solution is not extended, and the algorithm backtracks. Often used to solve NP-hard problems. (See Listing 11-2 for a branch-and-bound solution to the 0-1 knapsack problem.)
Breadth-First Search (BFS). Traversing a graph (possibly a tree) level by level, thereby also identifying (unweighted) shortest path. Implemented by using a FIFO queue to keep track of discovered nodes. Running time Θ(n + m). (See Listing 5-9.)
Bucket sort. Sort numerical values that are evenly (uniformly) distributed in a given interval by dividing the interval into n equal-sized buckets and placing the values in them. Expected bucket size is constant, so they can be sorted with (for example) insertion sort. Total running time Θ(n). (See Chapter 4.)
Busacker–Gowen. Finds the cheapest max-flow (or the cheapest flow with a given flow value) in a network by using the cheapest augmenting paths in the Ford–Fulkerson approach. These paths are found using Bellman–Ford or (with some weight adjustments) Dijkstra’s algorithm. The running time in general depends on the maximum flow value and so is pseudopolynomial. For a maximum flow of k, the running time is (assuming Dijkstra’s algorithm is used) O(km lg n). (See Listing 10-5.)
Christofides’ algorithm. An approximation algorithm (with an approximation ratio bound of 1.5) for the metric TSP problem. Finds a minimum spanning tree and then a minimum matching2 among the odd- degree nodes of the tree, short-circuiting as needed to make a valid tour of the graph. (See Chapter 11.)
Counting sort. Sort integers with a small value range (with at most Θ(n) contiguous values) in Θ(n) time. Works by counting occurrences and using the cumulative counts to directly place the numbers in the result, updating the counts as it goes. (See Chapter 4.)
DAG Shortest Path. Finds the shortest path from one node to all others in a DAG. Works by finding a topological sorting of the nodes and then relaxing all out-edges (or, alternatively, all in-edges) at every node from left to right. Can (because of the lack of cycles) also be used to find longest paths. Running time Θ(n + m). (See Listing 8-4.)
Depth-First Search (DFS). Traversing a graph (possibly a tree) by going in depth and then backtracking. Implemented by using a LIFO queue to keep track of discovered nodes. By keeping track of discover- and finish-times, DFS can also be used as a subroutine in other algorithms (such as topological sorting or Kosaraju’s algorithm). Running time Θ(n + m). (See Listings 5-4, 5-5, and 5-6.)
Dijkstra’s algorithm. Find the shortest paths from one node to all others in a weighted graph, as long as there are no negative edge weights. Traverses the graph, repeatedly selecting the next node using a priority queue (a heap). The priority is the current distance estimate of the node. These estimates are updated whenever a shortcut is found from a visited node. The running time is Θ((m+n) lg n), which is simply Θ(m lg n) if the graph is connected.
Double-ended queues. FIFO queues implemented using linked lists (or linked lists of arrays), so that inserting and extracting objects at either end can be done in constant time. An efficient implementation can be found in the collections.deque class. (See Chapter 5.)
Dynamic arrays, vectors. The idea of having extra capacity in an array, so appending is efficient. By relocating the contents to a bigger array, growing it by a constant factor, when it fills up, appends can be constant in average (amortized) time. (See Chapter 2.)
Edmonds–Karp. The concrete instantiation of the Floyd–Warshall method where traversal is performed using BFS. Finds min-cost flow in Θ(nm2) time. (See Listing 10-4.)
Floyd–Warshall. Finds shortest paths from each nodes to all others. In iteration k, only the first k nodes (in some ordering) are allowed as intermediate nodes along the paths. Extending from k –1 involves checking whether the shortest paths to and from k via the first k –1 nodes is shorter than simply going directly via these nodes. (That is, node k is either used or not, for every shortest path.) Running time is Θ(n3). (See Listing 9-6.)
Ford–Fulkerson. A general approach to solving max-flow problems. The method involves repeatedly traversing the graph to find a so-called augmenting path, a path along which the flow can be increased (augmented). The flow can be increased along an edge if it has extra capacity, or it can be increased backward across an edge (that is, canceled) if there is flow along the edge. Thus, the traversal can move both forward and backward along the directed edges, depending on the flow across them. The running time depends on the traversal strategy used. (See Listing 10-4.)
Gale–Shapley. Finds a stable set of marriages given preference rankings for a set of men and women. Any unengaged men propose to the most preferred woman they haven’t proposed to. Each woman will choose her favorite among her current suitors (possibly staying with her fiancé). Can be implemented with quadratic running time. (See Chapter 7.)
Gnome sort. A simple sorting algorithm with quadratic running time. Probably not an algorithm you’ll use in practice. (See Listing 3-1.)
Hashing, hash tables. Look up a key to get the corresponding value, just like in a search tree. Entries are stored in an array, and their positions are found by computing a (pseudorandom, sort of) hash value of the key. Given a good hash function and enough room in the array, the expected running time of insertion, deletion and lookup is Θ(1). (See Chapter 2.)
Heaps, heapsort. Heaps are efficient priority queues. With linear-time preprocessing, a min- (max-) heap will let you find the smallest (largest) element in constant time and extract or replace it in logarithmic time. Adding an element can also be done in logarithmic time. Conceptually, a heap is a full binary tree where each node is smaller (larger) than its children. When modifications are made, this property can be repaired with Θ(lg n) operations. In practice, heaps are usually implemented using arrays (with nodes encoded as array entries). A very efficient implementation can be found in the heapq module. Heapsort is like selection sort, except that the unsorted region is a heap, so finding the largest element n times gives a total running time of Θ(n lg n). (See Chapter 6.)
Huffman’s algorithm. Builds Huffman trees, which can be used for building optimal prefix codes, for example. Initially, each element (for example, character in an alphabet) is made into a single-node tree, with a weight equal to its frequency. In each iteration, the two lightest trees are picked, combining them with a new root, giving the new tree a weight equal to the sum of the original two tree weights. This can be done in loglinear time (or, in fact, in linear time if the frequencies are presorted). (See Listing 7-1.)
Insertion sort. A simple sorting algorithm with quadratic running time. It works by repeatedly inserting the next unsorted element in an initial sorted segment of the array. For small data sets, it can actually be preferable to more advanced (and optimal) algorithms such as merge sort or quicksort. (In Python, though, you should use list.sort or sorted if at all possible.) (See Listing 4-3.)
Interpolation search. Similar to ordinary binary search, but linear interpolation between the interval endpoints is used to guess the correct position, rather than simply looking at the middle element. The worst-case running time is still Θ(lg n), but the average-case running time is O(lg lg n) for uniformly distributed data. (Mentioned in the “If You’re Curious …” section of Chapter 6.)
Iterative deepening DFS. Repeated runs of DFS, where each run has a limit to how far it can traverse. For structures with some fanout, the running time will be the same as for DFS or BFS (that is, Θ(n + m)). The point is that it has the advantages of BFS (it finds shortest paths, and explores large state spaces conservatively), with the smaller memory footprint of DFS. (See Listing 5-8.)
Johnson’s algorithm. Finds shortest paths from every node to all others. Basically runs Dijkstra’s from every node. However, it uses a trick so that it also works with negative edge weights: it first runs Bellman–Ford from a new start node (with added edges to all existing nodes) and then uses the resulting distances to modify the edge weights of the graph. The modified weights are all nonnegative but are set so that the shortest paths in the original graph will also be the shortest paths in the modified graph. Running time Θ(mn lg n). (See Listing 9-4.)
Kosaraju’s algorithm. Finds strongly connected components, using DFS. First, nodes are ordered by their finish times. Then the edges are reversed, and another DFS is run, selecting start nodes using the first ordering. Running time Θ(n + m). (See Listing 5-10.)
Kruskal’s algorithm. Finds a minimum spanning tree by repeatedly adding the smallest remaining edge that doesn’t create a cycle. This cycle checking can (with some cleverness) be performed very efficiently, so the running time is dominated by sorting the edges. All in all, the running time is Θ(m lg n). (See Chapter 7.)
Linked lists. An alternative to arrays for representing sequences. Although linked lists are cheap (constant time) to modify once you’ve found the right entries, finding those normally takes linear time. Linked lists are implemented sort of like a path, with each node pointing to the next. Note that Python’s list type is implemented as an array, not a linked list. (See Chapter 2.)
Merge sort. The archetypal divide-and-conquer algorithm. It divides the sequence to be sorted in the middle, sorts the two halves recursively, and then merges the two sorted halves in linear time. The total running time is Θ(n lg n). (See Listing 6-5.)
Ore’s algorithm. An algorithm for traversing actual mazes in person, by marking passage entries and exits. In many ways similar to iterative deepening DFS or BFS. (See Chapter 5.)
Prim’s algorithm. Grows a minimum spanning tree by repeatedly adding the node closest to the tree. It is, at core, a traversal algorithm, and uses a priority queue, just like Dijkstra’s algorithm. (See Listing 7-5.)
Radix sort. Sorts numbers (or other sequences) by digit (element), start with the least significant one. As long as the number of digits is constant, and the digits can be sorted in linear time (using, for example, counting sort), the total running time is linear. It’s important that the sorting algorithm used on the digits is stable. (See Chapter 4.)
Randomized Select. Finds the median, or, in general, the kth order statistik (the kth smallest element). Works sort of like “half a quicksort.” It chooses a pivot element at random (or arbitrarily), and partitions the other elements to the left (smaller elements) or right (greater elements) of the pivot. The search then continues in the right portion, more or less like binary search. Perfect bisection is not guaranteed, but the expected running time is still linear. (See Listing 6-3.)
Select. The rather unrealistic, but guaranteed linear, sibling of randomized select. It works as follows: Divide the sequence into groups of five. Find the median in each using insertion sort. Find the median of these medians recursively, using select. Use this median of medians as a pivot, and partition the elements. Now run select on the proper half. In other words, it’s very similar to randomized select—the difference is that it can guarantee that a certain percentage will end up on either side of the pivot, avoiding the totally unbalanced case. Not really an algorithm you’re likely to use in practice, but it’s important to know about. (See Chapter 6.)
Selection sort. A simple sorting algorithm with quadratic running time. Very similar to insertion sort, but instead of repeatedly inserting the next element into the sorted section, you repeatedly find (that is, select) the largest element in the unsorted region (and swap it with the last unsorted element). (See Listing 4-5.)
Timsort. A super-duper in-place sorting algorithm based on mergesort. Without any explicit conditions for handling special cases, it is able to take into account partially sorted sequences, including segments that are sorted in reverse, and can therefore sort many real-world sequences faster than what would seem possible. The implementation in list.sort and sorted is also really fast, so if you need to sort something, that’s what you should use. (See Chapter 6.)
Topological sorting by reference counting. Orders the nodes of a DAG so that all edges go from left to right. This is done by counting the number of in-edges at each node. The nodes with an in-degree of zero are kept in a queue (could just be a set; the order doesn’t matter). Nodes are taken from the queue and placed in the topological sorted order. As you do so, you decrement the counts for the nodes that this node has edges to. If any of them reaches zero, they are placed in the queue. (See Listing 4-11.)
Topological sorting with DFS. Another algorithm for sorting DAG nodes topologically. The idea is simple: perform a DFS and sort the nodes by inverse finish time. To easily get a linear running time, you can instead simply append nodes to your ordering as they receive their finish times in DFS. (See Listing 5-7.)
Tremaux’s algorithm. Like Ore’s algorithm, this is designed to be executed in person, while walking through a maze. The pattern traced by a person executing Tremaux’s algorithm is essentially the same as that of DFS. (See Chapter 5.)
Twice around the tree. An approximation algorithm for the metric TSP problem, guaranteed to yield a solution with a cost of at most twice the optimum. First, it builds a minimum spanning tree (which is less than the optimum), and then it “walks around” the tree, taking shortcuts to avoid visiting the same edge twice. Because of the metricity, this is guaranteed to be cheaper than walking each edge twice. This last traversal can be implemented by a preorder DFS. (See Listing 11-1.)
Another term for an undirected, acyclic graph is forest, and the connected components of a forest are called trees. In other words, a tree is a connected forest (that is, a forest consisting of a single connected component). For example, G1 is a forest with two trees. In a tree, nodes with a degree of one are called leaves (or external nodes),4 while all others are called internal nodes. The larger tree in G1, for example, has three leaves and two internal nodes. The smaller tree consists of only an internal node, although talking about leaves and internal nodes may not make much sense with fewer than three nodes.
Trees have several interesting and important properties, some of which are dealt with in relation to specific topics throughout the book. I’ll give you a few right here, though. Let T be an undirected graph with n nodes. Then the following statements are equivalent (Exercise 2-9 asks you to show that this is, indeed, the case):