Feineigle.com - The Craft of Research

Home · Book Reports · 2017 · The Craft of Research

Published: April 18, 2017
Tags:  Education · Notes · Research

The book in...
One sentence:
A guide to research.

designates my notes. / designates important.

pdf page numbers

page 59:
page 69:
  1. what you are writing about—your topic: I am studying…

  2. what you don’t know about it—your question: because I want to find out…

  3. why you want your reader to know about it—your rationale: in order to help my reader understand better…

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  1. Look at the first six or seven words of every sentence.

  2. Be certain that each opens with information that your readers will find familiar, easy to understand (usually words used before).

  3. Put close to the ends of your sentences any information that your readers will find new, complex, harder to under- stand.

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